In the 5th edition of Lit Music That Lifts, we’re uplifted by Grammy-winning pop superstar Lizzo performing, “Special.”
Welcome to Lit Music That Lifts (LMTL), or Music Lifts
for short! This column picks up where Sunday Refresh
leaves off, yet it hits different. Like its predecessor, Music Lifts seeks to highlight songs that encourage, inspire, and uplift the spirit; songs that exude fortitude, positivity, and resolve, even in the face of adversity. Featured songs aren’t genre-specific; songs may or may not be faith-based. The goal is for these songs to make you feel better – be LIFTED to new heights! So, for the 5th edition of Music Lifts
(2022), we highlight
“Special” as performed by
Grammy-winning pop superstar
“Fame is pretty new, but I’ve been used to people judgin’ me
That’s why I move the way I move and why I’m so in love with me.”
“Special”, the title track from Lizzo’s sophomore album, is a reaction to the criticism she’s received for seemingly everything. Her authenticity and honesty truly shine:
“If it wasn’t me, then would you even get offended or
Is it just because I’m black and heavy? Y’all don’t hear me though.”
Even though she’s had ample, unfounded negativity thrown her way, she doesn’t wallow in pessimism – she opts for optimism, encouraging herself, encouraging others, and taking the high road. The self-love is lit on “Special” where Lizzo turns the frowns into confident, empowered smiles!
“In case nobody told you today
You’re special
In case nobody made you believe
You’re special.”
Oh, yes, Lizzo – encourage us with that uplifting energy, those positive vibes! She adds on the utterly sublime chorus, “I’m so glad that you’re still with us / Broken, but damn, you’re still perfect.” Don’t we all need to hear that we are loved and special, even when we are flawed? “Special” marks one of the truly elite records from
Lizzo •
Special •
Nice Life / Atlantic •
Lizzo, “Special”: Music Lifts
No. 5 (2022) [
: Atlantic, Arek Socha, Benjamin Balazs, Brent Faulkner, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Curb, Ketut Subiyanto, The Musical Hype, Nice Life, Pexels, Pixabay, Word Entertainment]