In the 37th edition of LGBTQ Bopz 
(2022), we highlight the song, “Transience” performed by Kisos.
Bring on the B-O-P-Z, like #SLAYYY! LGBTQ Bopz is a column t that embraces, highlights, and celebrates singles and tracks by LGBTQIA musicians. On LGBTQ Bopz
we provide background info and insight into the respective musician(s), as well as analyze + go gaga over the bops being served up. Furthermore, when the music dictates deeper, more transcendent discussion, we ensure the point is articulated to the fullest. All styles of music are welcome and the BOPZ can be classics or brand-spanking new. So, without further ado, in the 37th edition of LGBTQ Bopz
(2022), we highlight
“Transience” performed by
“I can’t take another transition / Grief shooting spines through my chest,”
Kisos sings in the first verse of his dark, utterly compelling single,
“Transience”. Prior to those poetic lyrics, which remain throughout the course of the song, the tone is set by the enigmatic intro, which establishes the minor key. Beyond the opening two lines of the first verse, Kisos continues singing in expressive, if unsettling fashion, “Every time I think I have it figured out / The house crumbles down where I rest.” Sure, it’s depressing but awesome, nonetheless. Later, the second verse yields more pessimism, in all of its glory: “Assumptions and comforts left me unaware / The snap of a finger, fall into despair / Try telling myself that I’ll be okay / But can’t handle when life’s not going my way.” I feel that – the ultimate pity party! Been there for sure, Kisos, sigh.
With picturesque production supporting him, dramatic verses, and top-notch vocals, there is so much to heart about “Transience.” Of course, it should come as no surprise that the centerpiece of “Transience” is – drumroll, please – the chorus. Here, the pain that Kisos experiences makes perfect sense, if it didn’t already. “Cuz all I do is miss you / Visions turned me senseless / You laughter in my ear / Your touches in transience.” Woo! Transience, a form of the adjective, transient, is defined as ‘passing especially quickly into and out of existence.’ That fits what Kisos states in the chorus of “Transience.” For good measure, there is a post-chorus that also supports the titular lyric: “I wonder where you’ve gone.” Kisos, my friend, you’ve added sheer excellence to the LGBTQ+ catalog with
“Transience”. Good stuff!
Kisos •
“Transience” •
Miller Place •
Kisos, “Transience”: LGBTQ Bopz 
No. 37 (2022) [
: Alexandra_Koch, Anna Shvets, Brent Faulkner, Kurious, Miller Place, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]