Reading Time: 2 min read

3 out of 5 stars

Khalid, "Eleven" [Photo Credit: RCA]Khalid returns with a pleasant urban contemporary single in “Eleven,” but offers nothing groundbreaking or brand-new.

When Khalid released singles in advance of his debut album, American Teen, I was incredibly excited.  He was young man – a teen – with this beautiful, truly distinct voice that made me enthusiastic about the future of R&B.  American Teen was a very well-rounded album, one I was certainly not surprised ended up earning the young artist Grammy nominations.  Naturally, the build-up for his sophomore album, Free Spirit, was kind of a big deal.  The problem was, Free Spirit just wasn’t as exciting – it was quite boring to be honest.  The album was so ‘boring’ to me that I dubbed it among the most forgettable/worst albums of 2019.

I haven’t given up on Khalid though, but my expectations were tempered even seeing the arrival of his first single of 2020, “Eleven.” “Eleven” essentially checks off the boxes that we’ve come to expect from the 21-year old musician.  The voice is excellent, retaining its distinctness and sheer beauty. The production, courtesy of Digi and Simon Says, is quite respectable.  The sound is idiomatic of contemporary R&B, yet it can also fly on pop radio.  Also, we get a decent chorus as well:

“Late at night, eleven, we’re crusin’
Lately, I’ve been watchin’ your movements
If I’m the only one that you’re choosin’
Am I favorite drug you’ve been usin’?”

So, for the most part, things are sound with “Eleven.” The big rub is that the song itself is not distinct and sounds quite similar to the music that Khalid been releasing.  There’s nothing here that signifies a contrasting direction or doing something from what’s expected.  Because there’s that lack of innovative spirit, “Eleven” is okay, but doesn’t reach that next level.  The songwriting certainly isn’t adventurous, even as Khalid is trying to get into some action.

Final Thoughts 

Ultimately, “Eleven” is respectable – it’s okay.  Khalid sounds refined, the production is fine, and the main idea of the song is clear.  Again, the main objection is that at this point, it would be nice to hear such a gifted artist take more risks.  More importantly, I’d like to hear a more exciting brand of R&B from the former ­American Teen.

3 out of 5 stars

Khalid • “Eleven” – Single • RCA • Release: 1.9.20
Photo Credit: RCA


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.