Austin, Texas pop artist Jxckson continues his artistic evolution on his brilliant second single of 2023, the innovative, breathtaking ballad, “RADIO SILENCE.”
The best music artists are always willing to grow, evolving throughout their respective musical catalogs. Jxckson is a prime example of a musician who grows better and better with time and exhibits innovative spirit – willing to try new things. His experimental spirit pays major dividends on his second single of 2023,
“RADIO SILENCE”. Jxckson describes “RADIO SILENCE” as his “riskiest song release yet.” I concur. Characterizing “RADIO SILENCE,” he adds, “It’s experimental in the sense of effects used to highlight the song and I’m not necessarily known for slow songs.” Again, I concur. That being said, this risk yields one or his very best, if not best songs to date.
Boy Sim produces this juggernaut.
What is neat about “RADIO SILENCE” is the equal importance of voices and music. Yes, the voice – the singing – is the centerpiece, but the music itself has an elevated role here, too. “RADIO SILENCE” commences with a warm yet slightly unsetting intro, which prefaces the musical and thematic experience to come. Early on, the bouncy bass line is among many ear-catching happenings. Of course, the tune that Jxckson sings, with a unique vocal effect, mind you, is simple but absolutely beautiful. He sings with ease, barely breaking a sweat, while retaining his playful brand of vocals. Even so, we also hear this riskiness from Jxckson given the slower tempo and embracing even more emotional vocals. The chorus is by far the crowning achievement, with its robust sounds, and a brilliant, intentional ‘distancing’ contrast between lead and backing vocals. Jxckson sheds some light on this brilliant tandem of music effects and the love-oriented theme:
[It] …takes listeners on a journey through the emotional distance that grows between two people until they’re left with no choice but to part ways. The song features a unique vocal effect miming a radio transmission, emphasizing the last effort to try and reach someone so far away.
How utterly cool is that? Notably, during the second verse, the music is more developed with additional cues and rhythm adding to the musical excellence .
Final Thoughts
It can’t be said enough. Jxckson is special, PERIOD. Musically, he continues to grow, expanding his artistry song by song.
“RADIO SILENCE” is an EPIC single released in advance of his EP,
THE DEEP END (May 25, 2023). Recapping what makes it so great: vocals, vocals effects, production and the production effects, and how the theme and backdrop work in tandem with one another. Once again, Jxckson has done the day-um thang!
Jxckson •
“Jxckson, “RADIO SILENCE” •
Jxckson Music •
: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; Jxckson Music; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]