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4 out of 5 stars

Joji, Nectar [Photo Credits: 88rising / 12Tone Music]Joji delivers “Gimme Love,” a third impressive single released in advance of his highly anticipated sophomore album, Nectar.

Nectar is on the horizon! Nectar being the highly anticipated sophomore album by ‘alternative’ singer/songwriter Joji (George Miller).  It’s pretty amazing to me that Miller has transformed himself into such viable musician, one that’s hard to pigeonhole in a particular genre.  His previous album, BALLADS 1, was an R&B album, though an ‘alternative’ one, of course.  After hearing two marvelous singles in “Sanctuary” and “Run”, Miller drops another gem with “Gimme Love.”

“Gimme Love” still incorporates cues of alternative R&B, but it transcends beyond such. This unique record commences with intense, pummeling electronic drums, unique vocals that serve capacity as a layer of the production (“Oh’s”), and of course keyboards/synths, mixed farther in the background.  Post-intro, Joji introduces the repetitive but highly effective chorus, singing airy, chill fashion, and never perspiring – at least it doesn’t sound like it!

“Gimme, gimme love, gimme, gimme love
…When I’m gone, when I’m gone.”

Could he make it any clearer what he desires? From there, on the verse, he sings in more low-key fashion, and honestly, he’s more abstract lyrically.  Still, he has his direct moments and, he’s truly longing: “You leavin’ me here with ashes and fire.” After the chorus, we get quite a surprise, as “Gimme Love” makes an about face.  The sound becomes more amorous, lush, and spirited.  There’s more of an acoustic element. Thematically, Joji remains focused on his heart (hers too) while serving up contrasting lyrics.  Call it an outro or bridge if you will – it separates itself from everything else:

“Look into your heart and let me know
Do things turn black and gray as you go?
When I’m far too gone, can you show me love?”

Final Thoughts 

Three singles into Nectar, and it seems like Joji is sure to have an epic album on his hands.  “Gimme Love” is successful thanks to the production (Bekon, Miller himself, and The Donuts), beautiful, expressive vocals, and relatively simple but relatable songwriting and theme. Impressive work on Joji’s part.

4 out of 5 stars

Joji • Nectar • 88rising / 12Tone Music • Release: 7.10.20
Photo Credits: 88rising / 12Tone Music


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.