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Joesef, “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately”: LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 No. 20 (2022) [📷: Anna Shvets, AWAL, Bold Cut, Brent Faulkner, Kurious, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]In the 20th edition of LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 (2022), we highlight the song, “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately” performed by 🎙Joesef.

Joesef, “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately” [📷: Bold Cut / AWAL]


ring on the B-O-P-Z, like #SLAYYY! LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 is a column t that embraces, highlights, and celebrates singles and tracks by LGBTQIA musicians.  In LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶we provide background info and insight into the respective musician(s), as well as analyze + go gaga over the bops being served up.  Furthermore, when the music dictates deeper, more transcendent discussion, we ensure the point is articulated to the fullest.  All styles of music are welcome and the BOPZ can be classics or brand-spanking new. So, without further ado, in the 20th edition of LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 (2022), we highlight “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately” performed by Joesef.

Theme & Lyrics ✍ 

“You know I’ve been fucked up; crazy / It’s been a little heavy lately / But you’re the only one who could save me.” Yep,Joesef just lays it out there on his 2022 single, “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately”. He continues singing in the chorus, “Why is it my heart is open / Only when the red light’s glowing? / But I’ll be yours until the morning…” The Scottish LGBTQ musician has quite a situation on his hands.  He’s covertly dating this guy who happens to have a girlfriend – scandalous, right? No wonder it’s been “a little heavy lately.”

Essentially, the situation is a difficult one for all parties involved.  Joesef, clearly, wants exclusivity between him and his boyfriend.  “All I got is you on my mind / I’m coming up easy,” he sings in the first verse, adding, “Don’t care if she sees me / I need you tonight.” Woo! Similarly, in the second verse, he’s not too keen on the girlfriend, and again, the situation itself: “Where’d you go? / Can you feel the drip in the lies?” Joesef’s biggest statement comes during the bridge, where he encourages his boyfriend to embrace their relationship and cut off his relationship with the girl. There’s clearly something missing:

“Wonder why you’re acting surprised

‘Cause when you kiss her, you know something’s missing

You know that it feels different with me

I guess it must be hard for a guy to look her in the eye

When it’s me who’s giving you what you need.” 

Worth noting, Joesef sings exceptionally well, spoiling us with his ripe falsetto.  The production isn’t too shabby either, with its robust bass line, keys, and groove.

Final Thoughts 💭 

pride heart burst“It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately” is another stellar addition to the ever-growing LGBTQ+ catalog.  This scenario that Joesef shares never grows old – this love triangle. It’s a common theme in the LGBTQ+ catalog where a third person stands in the way of a potentially perfect relationship.  Often, it’s because of internalized homophobia (guy likes guy but still tries to like girl or puts on a façade) or homophobia or fear from family, friends, and society. Sexuality can be incredibly confusing, but Joesef knows who he is and whom he likes, and he wants the same for his boyfriend who seems to be in the toughest position of them all. This is a must-hear bop whether you identify as queer or not.

🎙 Joesef • 🎵 It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately”🏷 Bold Cut / AWAL • 🗓 2022

 Joesef, “It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately”: LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 No. 20 (2022) [📷: Anna Shvets, AWAL, Bold Cut, Brent Faulkner, Kurious, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.