Teen alternative pop artist Isaac Dunbar ushers in Somber Sunday with the darkly poetic standout “Suicide” from his 2020 EP, Isaac’s Insects.
Sigh, Somber Sunday perfectly captures the end of the weekend with its sadness, disappointment, and look towards yet another mad Monday.
On Somber Sunday, May 24, 2020, Wunderkind Isaac Dunbar tackles extremely heave subject matter on “Suicide,” which hails from his 2020 EP, Isaac’s Insects.Throughout Isaac’s Insects, Isaac Dunbar lets us into his life. He’s young, but he also manages to tackle truly relevant topics including identity, internalized homophobia, sexuality, and the subject matter at hand, suicide. As expected, penultimate number “Suicide” is dark and haunting. Dunbar sings expressively, prompting the listener to lean on his every note and every word. While his voice is beautiful sans effects, there are some neat pitch shifted moments providing a colorful, unique contrast. Lyrically, “Suicide” is darkly poetic, particularly the centerpiece, the chorus:
“My skin is very young But my heart is very old My mind thinks lips and tongue But my bones decide my home My fears ran through my lungs And my eyes only saw gold My room’s where my throat hung And my fingers turned purple.”
Those lyrics are chilling, exemplifying somberness superbly if I do say so myself…
Isaac Dunbar • Isaac’s Insects (EP) • RCA • 2020
Isaac Dunbar, “Suicide” | Somber Sunday
[Photo Credits: Andre Beukes, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Pixabay, RCA, Stock Snap]