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Instant Curtain, Let Tear Us Apart [๐Ÿ“ท: DistroKid]Instant Curtain Release Prog-Rock Gem ‘Reverse In The Sand’

Contributed by George James


talian prog-rockers Instant Curtain are soaring with their new release, ‘Reverse In The Sand’, from their highly acclaimed ‘Let Tear Us Apart’ album.


Captivating instantly, ‘Reverse In The Sand’ opens with an unorthodox prog-rock overture which sets the group apart from the get-go. The guitar tone is gritty with a style that even the sternest of guitar heads will enjoy. Likewise, the drums flow seamlessly to the unusual guitar rhythm, and they match the cadence with ease.

The mix quickly flips and turns in the first verse, with lead vocalist Massimo bringing a 60s flavour to the mix. His vocal tone is inviting, and he covers the soundscape like a warm blanket. He cleverly adopts many singing techniques and regularly delves deep into his vocal register before rising high vigorously.

As the track progresses, the movement becomes more profound, and the sounds synergise with no dissonance in the refrain. The chorus is catchy, and it leaves a memorable impression once it heads back into the instrumental. However, just as the track feels it will lead one way, it takes a detour, and the closing stages truly unleash the bands potential in prog-rock.

The track stops suddenly but then opens again with a new arrangement, and the guitars get a whole new lease of life, as does the drum rhythm. Similarly, Massimo unleashes a top-class vocal bridge before the track gently finds its way back to where it all began in the intro.

You can take a listen to Instant Curtain’s newย release ‘Reverse In The Sand‘ย by clicking here.

Five out of five – George James.ย 

5 out of 5 stars

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๐ŸŽ™ Instant Curtain โ€ขย  ๐ŸŽต โ€œReverse In The Sandโ€ย โ€ข ๐Ÿ—“ 02.01.21
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