Reading Time: 4 min read

3.5 out of 5 stars

India.Arie, Worthy [Photo Credit: BMG Rights Management]Grammy-winning R&B singer/songwriter India.Arie remains consistent on ‘Worthy,’ her first proper, full-length album of originals since 2013.

After a two-year hiatus between ‘projects,’ Grammy-winning R&B singer/songwriter India.Arie returns with a brand-new, full-length LP, Worthy.  Technically, Worthy is Arie’s first proper, full-length studio album in six years (SongVersation, 2013).  For the most part, listening to Worthy, listeners get the same India.Arie they know and love, which is a pro.  That said, Worthy also has its share of moments that feel ‘updated’ compared to the talented musician’s work of the past.


Following the first of three “Worthy” interludes, India.Arie kicks off Worthy superbly with ✓ “What If.” Here, she highlights the accomplishments of numerous black visionaries and ‘heroes’ of past and present.  Additionally, Arie acknowledges black female power with shout outs to “Oprah [Winfrey], Kamala [Harris], and Ava [Duvernay]” among others.  Besides its world-changing messaging, the production of “Worthy” is much more modern than what’s normally associated with India.  This is refreshing, and definitely hypes up the listeners for what’s to come.

“Steady Love” keeps things fresh, but in retro, throwback fashion.  Here, the modus operandi is love, love, love – how awesome her man is.  By awesome, India is thinking in chivalrous fashion – an authentic gentleman to the nth degree.  Keeping Worthy compelling is follow-up ✓ “Rollercoaster,” which bears some harmonic similarities to past India.Arie (“There’s Hope” from 2006’s Testimony: Vol. 1 Life & Relationship).  “Rollercoaster” takes a long, hard look at the ills plaguing the world from her perspective.  Among the notable topics India raises on this soulful, bass-heavy gem include the Flint, Michigan water crisis, Colin Kaepernick, misogyny, and mumble rap.  Give her credit for standing up for what she believes in – “And I don’t care who thinks I’m preachin’.”

“In Good Trouble”

“Oh, now you’ve got me writing new songs / What the hell’s going on / I’m doing way too much…” Following her brilliant ‘sermon,’ India.Arie asserts she’s “In Good Trouble” thanks to being in love with an absolute dream.  Here, the contemporary soul singer remains silky smooth as she sings so optimistically about H-I-M once more.  She continues accentuating the L-O-V-E on “Crazy,” which begins with more of an acoustic sound compared to what precedes it on Worthy.  There’s still some drum programming, but India has always been able to rock an acoustic guitar backdrop. Even with guitars remaining constant, some thoughtful electronics keep “Crazy” fresh.

There’s even more love (shocker) on “Hour of Love,” but India is less focused on a boyfriend-girlfriend or husband-wife relationships.  Here, the love is about family and love of self (as in self-care).  Once more, the guitars bode well in her favor, mixed with some keyboards (synths).  Perhaps “Hour of Love” isn’t the most dynamic, hard-hitting number from Worthy, but the message is quite reflective and thoughtful.

“That Magic”

“Hey, the way he touches me is so spiritual / He’s so everything, he’s a miracle, yeah.” ✓ “That Magic” is another awesome blend of old-school and new-school.  This is among the sleekest productions of Worthy, while not going out of character for India.Arie.  Worth noting, “In a world of cocaine, he’s like fine champagne.” Yeah, this man must be the total package. ✓ “Follow the Sun” features some truly beautiful lyrics, not to mention the gorgeous vocals India delivers.  Never over-singing, the ease and effortless nature of her performance is impressive to the nth degree.  The memorable chorus and bridge sections also don’t hurt the record’s cause.

“The stars and the pain and obstacles and the strange
Monsters that live in my head
They tell me that I am not worthy, I know that I am.”

India continues to build up the world’s self-esteem on another reflective moment, “We Are.”  Once more, the vocals are terrific, particularly the harmonized moments.  “Coulda Should Woulda” is the perfect follow-up or extension of sorts, thriving off its resilient attitude (“Today I will walk in my power / And today will be my finest hour”).  The phrase is tried and true, but it’s definitely a mantra that should be embraced by all.

“Prayer for Humanity”

The homestretch of worthy continues to find India.Arie thinking ‘big picture.’  A prime example is ✓ “Prayer for Humanity,” where India envisions a world in which “We respect our women and protect our girls” and “every leader knows what power is really for.”  Is she being unrealistic with such ambitious goals? Of course not, even if such a utopia seems years and years away. Title track “Worthy” arrives as the penultimate full-length record, appearing as the 14th track.  Again, this is another self-esteem/self-worth builder, placing value on every human being.  The actual penultimate record, “Sacred Space” returns to love, as India appears to praise God.

“You are my favorite place
You are my sacred place
Yes, you are, yes you are, yes you are.”

Final Thoughts

All in all, India.Arie delivers another consistent, well-rounded R&B album with Worthy. What makes Worthy shine are the beautiful vocals by Arie, thoughtful, uplifting songwriting, and the overall ‘calm, cool, and collected’ soulfulness.  The formula is familiar, but there are enough modern tweaks that keep Worthy afloat in 2019, nearly 20 years after India first arrived in the game.

✓ Gems: “Worthy,” “Steady Love,” “Rollercoaster,” “That Magic,” “Follow the Sun” & “Prayer for Humanity”

3.5 out of 5 stars

India.Arie • Worthy • India.Arie, Inc. / BMG Rights Management • Release: 2.15.19
Photo Credit: India.Arie, Inc. / BMG Rights Management


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.