Country singer Hailey Whitters ‘puts her foot’ into “Casseroles,” a stunning, well-written, and well-produced song.
“Joe lost his wife, he’s lost in the blue,” Grammy-nominated country singer/songwriter Hailey Whitters sings, continuing, “He wonders what he’s gonna do / When the casseroles stop coming.” The reason why “Casseroles” piqued my interest initially was the song title. Casseroles is not a common song title! But, the song is even better than its distinct title. This is country music storytelling at its finest. Hillary Lindsey, James Slater, and Tom Douglas penned “Casseroles.” Jake Gear produced it. The musical accompaniment is superb – it is classy and incredibly refined. It features traditional country instrumentation, including guitars and pedal steel. Whitters paints this backdrop gorgeously with her dynamic voice. She sings authentically and expressively, making you believe every note and every lyric she sings. Beyond her solo moments, the harmonized vocals add to the excellence. The melody is radiant in the verses and chorus. Whitters is introspective in the second verse, pondering, “What kind of friend have I been / Am I tinfoil and Pyrex, I show up, that’s it.” She determines, “I could do so much better / Wrap you in my arms and a handwritten letter / I’ll hold your umbrella when the rain pours.” I wish I had composed those lyrics – perfect! The chorus is the crowning achievement:
“And those old six strings keep strumming
And those wild-winged hummingbirds keep humming
I don’t know how but this world keeps on turning
And love keeps on loving
After casseroles stop coming.”
No deep analysis is necessary. “Casseroles” speaks for itself. Whitters ‘put her foot’ into this stunning, ‘must-hear’ dish!
Hailey Whitters // “Casseroles” // Pigasus / Big Loud / Songs & Daughters // 1.17.25
: Pigasus / Big Loud / Songs & Daughters]