In the 13th edition of Lit Music That Lifts, we’re uplifted by GMWA Women of Worship performing, “Order My Steps.”
Welcome to Lit Music That Lifts (LMTL), or Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 for short! Music Lifts seeks to highlight songs that encourage, inspire, and uplift the spirit; songs that exude fortitude, positivity, and resolve, even in the face of adversity. Featured songs aren’t genre-specific; songs may or may not be faith-based. The goal is for these songs to make you feel better – be LIFTED to new heights! So, for the X edition of Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 (2022), we highlight 🎵 “Order My Steps” as performed by 🎙 GMWA Women of Worship.
“Order my steps in Your word, dear Lord / Lead me, guide me every day…” Do we reside in a faithless world? Is the world experiencing a faith crisis? Depending upon whom you ask, the answer could be yes, no, or maybe. What isn’t disputable is the fact that there are still plenty of people who strongly lean on their faith or some degree of faith. Within the scope of that faith, they petition and pray to their respective deity, whether that’s God, Allah, or otherwise. I use this as a preface to the inspiring, uplifting vibes of 🎵 “Order My Steps”, a gospel song that’s firmly planted in faith and petitioning to The Most High, God, when it comes to Christianity. The 🎙 GMWA Women of Worship is renowned for performing this contemporary gospel standard, which ranks among my personal favorite religious songs.
Yes, likely if you’re not a person of faith, perhaps the impact of this record won’t hold the same meaning – that same soul-stirring emotion. That said, even if you don’t consider yourself particularly religious or spiritual, maybe, just maybe, you can appreciate the intent and message behind “Order My Steps.” This is a powerful record about asking God to help to be totally tuned into living a holy, morally, and spiritually driven life.
“Humbly I ask Thee, teach me Thy will
While You are working, I will keep still
Satan is busy, God is real
Order my steps in Your Word, Yes
Order my steps in Your Word.”
The Word, of course, could be God’s individualized message to petitioners – he’s all-knowing and omniscient, after all – as well as the teachings in The Bible. Regardless, “Order My Steps” is a record about giving him the utmost praise and following and yielding to him to the fullest. Will certain believers have a different interpretation of what that looks like? Well, they have up until this point, and it seems unlikely to change. The big takeaway from this record, however, is living righteous, striving to be more like God. It’s a beautiful, beautiful song and incredibly thought-provoking.
🎙 GMWA Women of Worship • 💿 Order My Steps-A Tribute To Gospel Legend Al Hobbs • 🏷 Aleho International Music • 📅 2014
GMWA Women of Worship, “Order My Steps”: Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 No. 13 (2022) [📷: Aleho International Music, Arek Socha, Benjamin Balazs, Brent Faulkner, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Ketut Subiyanto, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]