Australian singer/songwriter Mark Eden provides The Musical Hype with the scoop on our 92nd interview in the Getting to Know… series.
“‘Rockin’ the audiences socks off’ is relative, I would say, but when people come to a gig, they leave having danced their asses off, screamed their lungs out and lost a couple of kilos through them doing so.” Rock TF on Mark Eden – rock TF on! The Australian singer/songwriter, currently living in Berlin, appears as the interviewee of the 92nd interview on The Musical Hype. Eden is not shy about providing the scoop on his musical endeavors, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Rather than copy what this talented musician says, why not just let him and the interview speak for itself! Without any further rambling, get pumped for Getting to Know… Mark Eden: Interview #92.
Let’s get this started off right. For those who may not be familiar with you, what would you say makes you distinct or unique? How do you rock the audience’s socks off?
Mark Eden: Right off the bat, I gotta say that I like your vibe… What makes me unique is a good question and I suppose could be answered in many ways, I’ll give it a go. I grew up in Australia and travelled around the world before releasing my first album and on the first album, I would say I was influenced by my travels and of course everything that came before that. My dad played 12 string acoustic guitar and he had his own real ‘house band’ that would play in our lounge room and everyone would dance and scream and go nuts. I suppose that is where my love for music was born. Rockin’ the audiences socks off’ is relative, I would say, but when people come to a gig, they leave having danced their asses off, screamed their lungs out and lost a couple of kilos through them doing so. Dunno if that makes me unique but my experiences are my own and that is what I can bring to the table.
Works for me! Let’s explore some juicy backstories. How did your musical journey begin and what were some of the goals or the visions you had early on?
Mark Eden: As it is my solo project, it formed when I started to play guitar all those years ago in Australia. I always wanted to play and my heroes at that time where the Beatles, so I wanted to play music that made me smile as well as dance. It was also an escape for me which I suppose it still is really. My wife plays in my solo music and we have another band, Under the Tongue, also. We met after she came to one of my gigs in Berlin… that’s a whole other story which I would love to share another time
Let’s talk more about goals. Have your goals or your perspectives changed since first starting out? What do your aspirations or goals look like now?
Mark Eden: Good one… yes, I would say that they have changed a lot yet some of them remain. In the beginning, I just wanted to write songs and have fun. As time went on and I joined bands growing up I thought that I wanted to be a rock star. Seeing that the industry was very tightly controlled back then and to break through ya had to join a label, but some of my friends were on labels and totally got screwed, so that was outta the question, for me anyway. I decided to go down the indie route and do everything myself including videos, etc.
Now with the internet it is a lot easier to reach loads more people but back then it was all word of mouth. Now I am back just having fun and enjoying the whole process again. My goals now include making loads more music and also videos as well as touring. Taking my time and seeing the areas where I travel to and taking it in and not being in such a hurry to get to the next point.
Very insightful. Everybody is influenced by somebody else. Who would you consider some of your biggest musical influences and how are they influential?
Mark Eden: You are right, everybody is influenced by somebody else. I would say that The Beatles were my first major influence. When I heard Sgt Peppers for the first time, I was blown away. My mum and dad played everything from Ray Charles, Patsy Cline, The Everly Brothers, The Jackson 5, Johnny Cash and the list goes on. So, I was influenced by loads of different artists I would say but the first one that comes to mind is always The Beatles.
Ah, the fun stuff. What’s your craziest tour story or the wackiest thing that’s happened during a performance? Feel free to be creative.
Mark Eden: I have had people come on stage naked and start playing harmonica without asking, that was bit strange to be honest and a bit confronting… where do you look? No real crazy tour stories to speak of apart from the usual drunken shenanigans. Those days are gone as I like to stay healthy now. I sound a bit boring … sorry.
No apologies necessary! Up until this point in your career, what would you describe as your favorite song you’ve recorded or performed live? What makes that song special?
Mark Eden: I would say that I have a few, there is one that is a standout for me. “Strong Enough,” from my second solo album. I recorded that in Australia many years ago in 40º C heat (104º F) and you can hear the sweat dripping on the guitar in certain points, it was so cathartic recording that song. Some songs just bring up ‘stuff’ and that is one of them for me. I have seen people sing, dance, cry and scream while I have been playing it, which is pretty amazing. I still love performing it to this very day.
Is there anything else awesome, cool, or left of center the world should know about you? Secret talents or surprising tidbits?
Mark Eden: That’s a good one, this is fun. Ok here goes. My answers may sound like a bad dating show but here goes. Love to paint and sculpt, I used to make sculptures out of found objects, scrap metal and wood before I moved to Berlin, haven’t done it in a while. Love to keep fit but just tore a muscle that joins to the Achilles so I will be out of action for 6 weeks. I am a ‘cheagen,’ I eat mainly plant based products but am a sucker for honey, so, I cheat. Love to cook also. Riding my bike in Berlin is a favourite of mine also. I miss swimming in the ocean… gotta tell ya. India is one of my favourite countries in the world to visit, love the culture and the people. I write, record and produce all of my music, dunno if that is so interesting but it is true. I have another band, Under the Tongue, and we released our first single, “Waterfall,” on June the 5th this year 2020. I like long walks on the beach… nah!!! Just kidding, sorry had to say that one Oh!! I forgot, I really love making videos and the cool darker ones seem to come easier for me I don’t know why they just do.
Closing things out, what are you currently working on, promoting that you can share with us or want us to know about? We love secrets, but there’s no pressure.
Mark Eden: I released an album last year, so I am still making videos for it. Here is something for ya, I am working on a new album for next year and have finished a few songs already with a different direction… super stoked. Under The Tongue is releasing a new album song by song this year so many cool things are going on.
Thank you so much for sharing taking the time to answer these questions, and best of luck moving forward.
Mark Eden: It is I who should thank you so much for the interesting questions it is a pleasure.
Photo Credits: Brent Faulkner, Mark Eden, The Musical Hype; Icons made by (Freepik);