In the 359th Q&A in our Getting to Know… series, singer Garrington gives us the inside scoop on his angst-filled, power pop band, Hellaphant.
“We’re a straight forward blast of energy as soon as we hit the first chord to the last.” WOO, Hellaphant!
Garrington (Gary Begnar), the vocalist for the ‘angst filled power pop’ band from London, Ontario who answers our burning questions, adds, “Our songs speak to everyone no matter who you are.” Like our many other Getting to Know Q&As, we get the inside scoop on the band’s genesis, goals, musical influences, and of course, current, and future musical endeavors. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into
Getting to Know… Hellaphant: Interview No. 359!
For those who may not be familiar with you, what would you say makes Hellaphant distinct or unique? How do you rock the audience’s socks off?
We’re a straight forward blast of energy as soon as we hit the first chord to the last. Our songs speak to everyone no matter who you are. As for being distinct? We’re honest. There are a million bands out there. So, know our audience/fanbase have other things to spend money on so we try to acknowledge that as much as we can and appreciate anything they do. Been at this a long time in one band or another so we understand how each person who listens to us, comes to see us or buys a record or merch.
Okay, let’s explore some juicy backstories. How did Hellaphant form and what were some of the goals or visions you had early on?
I (Gary)formed the band with a friend of mine ( Matt Lennen) as a hobby. We both came from the same area (didn’t know each other just knew of each other). One night we were chatting about writing some stuff. It happened that we worked well together and that got the itch going. Later, he left the group to pursue his career and DJing. Each of the band members slowly came into the fold.
Chris Arenburg (bass) was the first then our drummer,
Scott Cameron, came along and finally,
Jason Holmes joined after our last guitarist went back to his original band. (Side note the last guitarist introduced me to both Scott and Chris) as for plans. Since day one I have had a set business plan for us. We’re lowly accomplishing each pc. Solid line up, build hype, record a few songs, record and release an album, release video (s) etc gig, tour, get signed, repeat
Let’s talk more about goals. Have your goals or your perspectives changed since first starting out? What do your aspirations or goals look like now?
Same goals. The only difference is it is now a democracy within what we do. Everyone is onboard with the plan, but everyone has a say in the timing etc.. As soon as you stray from your plan you pretty much screw up the direction. Been there and done that. No thanks, not again.
Everybody is influenced by somebody else. Whom would you consider some of your biggest musical influences and how are they influential?
My influences have changed over time. When I was younger it was Cliff and Jaymz from Metallica and their zero fucks given attitude and fierce attack of everything they did, later it changed to Jeff Buckley and his songwriting, or the Replacements ZFG attitude towards everything. So nowadays I just take influence from good songwriters that follow a certain style of process.
Ah, the fun stuff. What’s your craziest tour story or the wackiest thing that’s happened during a performance? Feel free to be creative.
To be honest we haven’t had too many crazy experiences. We’ve been doing this (each) for a while and there isn’t too much craziness going on out there LOL Kinda boring but welcome to it. LOL
Up until this point in your career, what would you describe as your favorite song you’ve recorded or performed live? What makes that song special?
Currently I really like the Song “Got the Mime.” It’s a song about how my negative thoughts can creep into my days and derail it. I like the energy and the wall of sound it creates. Each guy adds something to it. It’s that song that when we play it I feel better. Having these kind of problems can be a struggle so addressing them lets other know they aren’t alone.
Is there anything else awesome, cool, or left of center the world should know about you? Secret talents or surprising tidbits?
For me? I’m a big kid with a wickedly addictive personality trait so when I discover something I like. I’m all in. SO, I can’t just own one guitar or amp, nope. I have to have 45 + vintage guitars and amps. My storage unit is ridiculous. I do this with toys, Vans sneakers, music etc. Got stoked and I become obsessed with collecting it. HA HA HA
Closing out, what is Hellaphant currently working on, promoting that you can share with us or want us to know about? We love secrets, but there’s no pressure.
The new album, Crumble and Rise is out and next up is a lot of gigging. We are currently working on the next release and then more shows. The next big goal for us is getting overseas to play. We have also been working on a cover song to release in the next while but that’s all I can say about it.
Thank you so much for sharing and taking the time to answer these questions, and best of luck moving forward.
Thanks for this. In Tusk We Trust. – G
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Getting to Know… Hellaphant: Interview No. 359 [
: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Hellaphant; Tumisu via Pixabay]