For our 87th interview, we chat it up with Jaybee and Kenny Meeks of central New Jersey progressive metalcore band, Dig Two Graves.
“We really don’t have two songs that sound alike, and I plan to keep it that way.” Great philosophy Dig Two Graves, great philosophy indeed! Rock TF on – LFG!!! Too much? Anyways, when asked about the band’s beginnings, Jaybee, who provided the aforementioned ‘woke’ comment, asserts, “I just wanted to do some very atmospheric, weird, heavy music, and I think it came out pretty cool.” The central New Jersey progressive metalcore collective definitely captivated my attention on the 87th interview in The Musical Hype’s Getting to Know… series. In addition to chatting it up with guitarist Jaybee, drummer Kenny Meeks also provides some superb insight into the collective. Besides the two interviewees, Dig Two Graves is comprised of vocalist Mike Reisser and bassist Jesse Agins. Enough background – let’s jump right into Getting to Know… Dig Two Graves: Interview #87.
Let’s get this started off right. For those who may not be familiar with Dig Two Graves, what would you say makes your band distinct or unique? How do you rock the audience’s socks off?
Jaybee: I wouldn’t say that we actively try to be unique. I think we just do whatever we want and it comes out that way. We really don’t have two songs that sound alike, and I plan to keep it that way. We’re just here to have a good time.
Kenny: We just kinda play what this dude [Jaybee] writes but we all add our own parts. I think we’ve struck our own unique sound just by all of our massive brains colliding. We all have slightly different perspectives and ideas and the final product is just a blend of everything.
Okay, let’s explore some juicy backstories. How did your Dig Two Graves form and what were some of the goals or the visions you had as a band early on?
Jaybee: Me and Kenny had this sick band called Tormented Dragons in 3rd grade (reunion tour 2025), so we’ve been trying to get a band together for about that long. We finally found Mike in my first year of college, then we found Jesse on Instagram and hit him up. I just wanted to do some very atmospheric, weird, heavy music, and I think it came out pretty cool.
Kenny: We were both in college with no real goals for it and we’re like wait, let’s make a fun heavy band. Both Josh and I were on the same page about the type of music we wanted to create. We were looking to create something heavy but also very melodic and atmospheric.
Let’s talk more about goals. Have your goals or your perspectives changed since first starting out? What do your aspirations or goals look like now?
Jaybee: I wanna look really hot and play at all the chillest restaurants.
Kenny: I can’t think of anything that’s really changed other than my idea of how we should go about creating music. I think at first, I thought we should make very accessible music and try to please an audience. Now I’m just tryna make cool music. People can like it or not, LMAO.
#GOALS! Everybody is influenced by somebody else. Who would you consider some of your biggest musical influences and how are they influential?
Jaybee: Kero Kero Bonito is my main influence. Sarah Bonito is my artistic idol in every sense. Also, I really like how Dir En Grey is able to infuse so much atmosphere and creepiness in their music. In the future, I’d also like to convey that much emotion in our music.
Kenny: I don’t have many influences other than other drummers since I don’t write anything other than just my own parts. I would say the two drummers I learned the most from listening to would be The Rev (Avenged Sevenfold) and Sam Applebaum (Veil of Maya).
Ah, the fun stuff. What’s your craziest tour story or the wackiest thing that’s happened during a performance? Feel free to be creative.
Jaybee: It wasn’t during our set, but the band that played right after us. When they started playing a heavy breakdown, some dude picked up a whole-ass merch table and ran into the crowd, holding it like a battering ram. He got kicked out…
Kenny: Nothing really tops that ^
I’d say nothing could top that! Up until this point in your career, what would you describe as your favorite song you’ve recorded or performed live? What makes that song special?
Jaybee: I like our song “Wick.” It was one of the first songs I finished writing all by myself and I really love how it came out. It’s always my favorite to play live.
Kenny: My two favorites currently are definitely “Wick” and “So Below.” I have a feeling that our next single is going to be one of my favorites to play as well after its released.
Is there anything else awesome, cool, or left of center the world should know about you? Secret talents or surprising tidbits?
Jaybee: Like 3 of us are vegan or vegetarian I guess, not to be edgy. Only Kenny is a dirty meat-eater.
Kenny: I love steak, EXTRA RARE. Oh, and cats. If you come to one of our shows, bring your cat and let me pet them
Closing things out, what is Dig Two Graves currently working on, promoting that you can share with us or want us to know about? We love secrets, but there’s no pressure.
Jaybee: We’re working on the hottest album of 2020 right now. It’s almost done being written and we’re super excited to share it with the boys.
Kenny: Yeah, when you gunna finish that? @Jaybee
Thank you so much for sharing taking the time to answer these questions, and best of luck moving forward.
Dig Two Graves Socials & Such:
Photo Credits: Brent Faulkner, Dig Two Graves, The Musical Hype; Icons made by (Freepik);