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FLETCHER, “Her Body is Bible”: After Dark 🕛 🌃 No. 74 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Foundry Co, John lucas, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Snapback Entertainment LLC, Tazz Vaughn, UMG Recordings, Inc.]In the 74th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind, “Her Body is Bible” by FLETCHER.

Innuendo? More like full-on sexual vibes! Welcome to After Dark 🕛 🌃, a column featuring songs that are best suited for nighttime, specifically, the bedroom.  Many of the records featured here raise eyebrows, as well as the temperature! These After Dark tunes focus on the universal three-letter word:  SEX. The dark records gracing After Dark are old and new alike, with all genres of music welcome.  In the 74th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind, 🎵Her Body is Bible” by 🎙 FLETCHER.  

Theme & Lyrics ✍ 

FLETCHER, Girl of My Dreams [📷: Snapback Entertainment LLC / UMG Recordings, Inc.]“I found God the moment that I put my lips on yours.” Wow, 🎙 FLETCHER (Cari Fletcher), I have no doubt that ministers everywhere are cringing and screaming, BLASPHEMY.  Does the pop artist give a flying fizzuck? Of course, she doesn’t: “One touch, sippin’ holy water now.” On 🎵Her Body is Bible”, a highlight from her 2022 debut album, 💿 Girl of My Dreams, FLETCHER leaves her Catholicism behind in favor of being true to herself, and embracing her sexuality.

“Amen, oh, her body is bible

The only heaven that I know.” 

Yup, there’s nothing Catholic about that! The chorus is definitely praiseworthy, just not in the context of a church building! FLETCHER, indeed, “Saw the light,” but in a different context – “at 4 AM we’re dancin’ in the dark / I like your T Swift t-shirt on the ground.” She doesn’t stop there either, continuing to sing in the second verse, “Hold on tight, when the world gets hard, this shit’s like paradise / All night, you’re so hot, I’m freakin’ out.” Wow – that some electrifying love right there! 🎛 Malay and 🎛 Sly help her out with some epic production, highlighting this spiritual experience 🙌!

Final Thoughts 💭 

Bitmoji ImageThere’s no doubt that “she’s the freedom” that FLETCHER needs to taste – her words, not mine! I’m sure the most devout Christian folks will have a serious bone to pick with her on 🎵Her Body is Bible”, but, clearly, she doesn’t care.  This is a song about liberation, being true to self, and obviously, losing the traditional type of religion.

🎙 FLETCHER💿 Girl of My Dreams🏷 Snapback Entertainment LLC / UMG Recordings, Inc. • 📅 2022

FLETCHER, “Her Body is Bible”: After Dark 🕛 🌃 No. 74 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Foundry Co, John lucas, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Snapback Entertainment LLC, Tazz Vaughn, UMG Recordings, Inc.]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

1 Comment

Bible | 5ive Songs | The Musical Hype · October 13, 2022 at 9:00 am

[…] give a flying fizzuck? Of course, she doesn’t: “One touch, sippin’ holy water now.” On 🎵 “Her Body is Bible”, a highlight from her 2022 debut album, 💿 Girl of My Dreams, FLETCHER leaves her Catholicism […]

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