Reading Time: 2 min read

3.5 out of 5 stars

Father John Misty, God's Favorite Customer © Sub PopFather John Misty is short & sweet on “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All,” a single from his 4th LP, God’s Favorite Customer.

Father John Misty returns sooner than later! That’s exciting. Following his 2017 Grammy-nominated alternative music album Pure Comedy, Josh Tillman returns in 2018 with God’s Favorite Customer.  With the excellent “Mr. Tillman” arriving prior to the album’s announcement, Tillman drops two more singles, including the lengthily-titled song at hand, “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All.”

Josh Tillman keeps things short on “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All” – like two-and-a-half minutes short.  Nonetheless, the production is alluring, including standard instrumentation such as piano, guitars, bass, and drums, as well as saxophone.  Vocally, Tillman serves up a ton of falsetto, clearly uncharacteristic. It’s not that he can’t deliver compelling head voice, but “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All” is the rare instance he is so liberal with it.

The sound of the record is one thing, but what about the lyrics.  It’s typical, clever Father John Misty through and through. “Like a carcass left out in the heat / This love is bursting out of me.” Goodness gracious. The centerpiece is the chorus, where the titular lyric comes into play.

“Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all
And a love that lasts forever really can’t be that special…”

Final Thoughts 

A new Father John Misty album is always a treat.  Early indications suggest that God’s Favorite Customer will be more accessible than the Grammy-nominated Pure Comedy from 2017.  “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All” is another cleverly-penned Josh Tillman record.  It’s my least favorite of thecurrent promo cycle, but there are elements, namely the songwriting, that tickle my fancy. “Mr. Tillman” remains the best single from God’s Favorite Customer as of the publication date.

Father John Misty • God’s Favorite Customer • Sub Pop • Release: 6.1.18
Photo Credit: Sub Pop


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.