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Elton John, “Elton’s Song”: LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 No. 4 [📷: Anna Shvets, Brent Faulkner, Kurious, Mercury, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]On the 4th edition of LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 (2022), we highlight the song, “Elton’s Song” performed by Elton John.  


ring on the B-O-P-Z, like #SLAYYY! LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 is a column t that embraces, highlights, and celebrates singles and tracks by LGBTQIA musicians.  On LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶we provide background info and insight into the respective musician(s), as well as analyze + go gaga over the bops being served up.  Furthermore, when the music dictates deeper, more transcendent discussion, we ensure the point is articulated to the fullest.  All styles of music are welcome and the BOPZ can be classics or brand-spanking new. So, without further ado, on the X edition of LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 (2022), we highlight 🎵 “Elton’s Song” performed by 🎙 Elton John.

Theme & Lyrics ✍

🎙 Elton John has no shortage of hits – he’s a legend.  Furthermore, he ranks high on the list of gay icons.  That said, while John is a proud LGBTQ musician, much of his music isn’t dominated by sexuality.  In today’s age, LGBTQ musicians are freer to express their sexuality – it’s more common to hear about boy-on-boy or girl-on-girl love.  In John’s heyday, that wasn’t the case.  Still, the legend has had his fair share of moments, including the marvelous 🎵 “Elton’s Song” from his 1981 album, 💿 The Fox.

Bitmoji ImageThe Fox isn’t the first Elton John album that comes to mind – UNDERSTATEMENT. Furthermore, with an abundance of hits, “Elton’s Song” is one that easily gets lost in the shuffle.  It shouldn’t, of course. “Elton’s Song’ was co-written with a previously featured artist on LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶, 🎼✍ Tom Robinson (🎵 “Glad to Be Gay”).  Robinson, like John, is gay and wrote some incredible lyrics.  Those lyrics, of course, reflect same-sex attraction – queer love – something misunderstood back then and still irks folks even in the 2020s.  “They say it isn’t real but I know how I feel and I love you,” John sings at the end of the second verse.  No, the pronouns aren’t explicit, but Elton has confirmed it’s gay, and honestly, it sounds gay.

The chorus, expectedly, is my favorite section of the song. It also sheds light about this ‘queer’ teenage crush that is misunderstood but the protagonist feels passionately:

“If you only knew what I’m going through

Time and again I get ashamed to say your name

It’s hard to grin and bear when you’re standing there

My lips are dry, I catch your eye and look away.”

The thing is you don’t have to be gay to relate to those lyrics – they’re applicable to many situations.  The lyric that really hits hard appears at the end of this stunning, underrated piano ballad (with some marvelous instrumental pizazz via orchestra): “But I would give my life for a single night beside you.”

Final Thoughts 💭

Bitmoji Image🎵 “Elton’s Song” = masterpiece.  Sadly, it doesn’t get the same love the beloved classics in his catalog, but it should.  He sings beautifully, with incredible authenticity and sincerity.

🎙 Elton John • 💿 The Fox🏷 Mercury • 🗓 1981
Elton John, “Elton’s Song”: LGBTQ Bopz 🌈🎶 No. 4 [📷: Anna Shvets, Brent Faulkner, Kurious, Mercury, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.