Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

EliotEliot Reflects With β€˜Look At Me Now’

Contributed by George James


liot reflects on his past with his new single, β€˜Look At Me Nowβ€˜. It is from his recent album, β€˜Sinβ€˜, which is now on all major streaming platforms.

As you’d expect from this chap, the indie hitmaker brings the stadium fever with a triumphant indie anthem. It has all the makings of a huge hit, and there are plenty of new elements to keep the fire going for Eliot.

The song begins with a guitar line that firmly secures the listener in the seat. Vocally, Eliot rises and proves that he has a lot of power up his sleeve, he sings with a lot of conviction, and although there are plenty of similar deliveries on the album where this came, this one is the most compelling.

As the song progresses, it becomes an oeuvre. It’s fascinating to see how Eliot draws inspiration from the greats while bringing fresh ideas to the fore. Also, he teams up with Frank Montoya, who delivers a plethora of magnificent sounds, including a gritty bassline and a strong drum rhythm that leaves us dripping from the lips.

Overall, β€˜Look At Me Nowβ€˜ is a track that is enjoyable to listen to, and it gets better with every new encounter. The guitars and vocals stand out like a bright flame, making it music to the ears of indie fans. Additionally, the lyrics are engaging, and the words hit home instantly.

You can listen to β€˜Look At Me Nowβ€˜ by Eliot here.

Four out of five – George James. 

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4 out of 5 stars

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πŸŽ™ Eliot β€’ 🎡 Look At Me Now πŸ—“ 07.01.21
[πŸ“· : Eliot, Icons made by Freepik]