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Eat: 3 or 4 BOPS No. 21 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Criativithy, The Musical Hype, nappy, Taryn Elliott, Tim Mossholder, Wilson Blanco from Pixabay]In the 21st edition of 3 or 4 BOPS (2022), we select awesome songs that are associated with the word EAT in some form or fashion.

eating a sandwich

Ah, sometimes it’s better to keep things lite on the fat and calories 💪! That’s the goal of the miniature playlists gracing The Musical Hype.  On 3 or 4 BOPS, we select a topic or theme, choose three or four relevant songs, and provide a lit 🔥, electrifying blurb.  3 or 4 BOPS shouldn’t take too much time to consume – typically 5 minutes or less! In the 21st edition of 3 or 4 BOPS (2022), we select awesome songs that are associated with the word EAT in some form or fashion.  Without further ado, let the BOPS begin!

1. Demi Lovato, “Eat Me”

💿 HOLY FVCK🏷 Island 📅 2022

Demi Lovato, HOLY FVCK [📷: Island]In the context of 🎙 Demi Lovato’s holy fvcking, awesome album, 💿 HOLY FVCK, 🎵 “Eat Me” featuring 🎙 Royal & the Serpent, bests singles 🎵 “SKIN OF MY TEETH” and 🎵 “Substance”.  The 🏆 Grammy-nominated pop artist (gone pop-punk) maintains a dark and tortured aesthetic, which is optimal given the concept of the album. Here, they comment about how others have instructed her to act as well as told her who to be. 

Specifically, Lovato seems to reference their nonbinary status: “Is this what you’d prefer? / Would you like me better if I was still her?” The chorus, unsurprisingly, is the crowning achievement, featuring a change of groove, quicker tempo, and some sickening, upper-register vocals.  The key lyrics of this standout include, “I know the girl that you adored / She’s dead, it’s time to fucking mourn,” and, “You’ll have to eat me as I am.” Woo! HOLY FVCK, indeed!


2. Lil Toe, “EAT MY DICK!!!!!!!!”

🎵 “EAT MY DICK!!!!!!!!”🏷 Lil Toe📅 2022

Lil Toe, "Eat My Dick!!!!!!!!" [📷: Lil Toe]“Eat my dick, eat my dick / Eat my motherfuckin’ dick.” Yup, that’s about the size of it – um – perhaps that was a sus choice of words! Anyways, 🎙 Lil Toe wants her to eat his junk on 🎵 “EAT MY DICK!!!!!!!!” That’s totally reasonable, right? Ummm…

“EAT MY DICK!!!!!!!!” features malicious, minor-key production courtesy of 🎛 Wonton Jesus, whom Lil Toe shouts out in the intro (“Yo’ I just got a Wonton beat”).  Toe eats it up, much like he desires her to, well, you know…. Besides two iterations of the repetitive, dick-eating chorus, there’s one verse.  Here, Lil Toe is cocky, confident, and unapologetic.  He references violence (“Glock 17 in case he get tough”), and of course, the D and things associated with it:

“Get off my dick hoe, I am about to buss

Pussy turned gold, like everything I tough

You got another thing coming if you think I give a fuck

I could make a couple of hundred every time a buss a jug.”

Really, is there anything more to say?

3. Megan Thee Stallion, “Eat It”

💿 Something for Thee Hotties • 🏷 1501 Certified Ent. LLC / 300 Entertainment • 🗓 2021

Megan Thee Stallion, Something for Thee Hotties [📷: 1501 Certified Ent. LLC / 300 Entertainment]“Bitch, it’s Young Tina Snow, the nastiest freak you know!” 🏆 Grammy-winning rapper 🎙 Megan Thee Stallion keeps it real on banger, 🎵 “Eat It” (💿 Something for Thee Hotties, 2021). Face it – Tina Snow doesn’t know anything other than being unapologetic.  On “Eat It,” her flows are agile, edgy, and profane to the nth degree – sexed-TF-up!

From the jump, we get a heaping dose of private parts and TMI to the nth degree! “Bust through the walls, break in and enter / How many licks ‘til you get to the center?” she asks, continuing, “How many times have I heard that a nigga a dog but scared when he play with the kitten? / How many times have I heard that somebody last long? These niggas ain’t lastin’ a minute.” Wow! A lack of profundity when it comes to sex!  Megan makes it clear, “I don’t want just one nut / Daddy, I’ma need the whole tree.” Day-ummm! In the second verse, she doesn’t cease her unapologetic nature, but she does move beyond sex for sex’s sake.  “And I feel like, aw, shit, y’all should eat my pussy how much y’all mention me.” See what I’m saying! That said, in the chorus, it’s all about cunnilingus!

“Yeah, yeah

Eat it, eat it, eat it ‘til I faint

… Eat it, eat it ‘til you break a sweat

Lick it all, give your all ‘til you outta breath

Eat it, eat it, eat it ‘til I cum

Gimme some, gimme some ‘til I’m goin’ dumb.”

JESUS – well – he has no part in this carnal act! “Legs on the headboard, pussy in his mouth.” 😬😮 Nasty, unapologetic, totally-not-family-friendly Megan Thee Stallion – we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Appears in 🔻:

Eat: 3 or 4 BOPS No. 21 (2022) [📷: 300 Entertainment, 1501 Certified Ent. LLC, Brent Faulkner, Criativithy, Island, Lil Toe, The Musical Hype, nappy, Taryn Elliott, Tim Mossholder, Wilson Blanco from Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.