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Durand Bernarr, Him: Midnight Heat πŸ•› πŸ”₯ No. 55 (2023) [πŸ“·: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; DSING; Ash via Pexels; Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Dorothe, Stefan Schweihofer via Pixabay]In the 55th edition of Midnight Heat πŸ•› πŸ”₯ (2023), we explore the naughty, sexy vibes behind β€œH.I.M.” by R&B singer/songwriter, Durand Bernarr. 

β€œMinding his own business, chilling in the dark / Warm and soft like kittens / He is where I started my journey intimately.” Hmm πŸ€”, wonder what this song is about??? Ah, bring on Midnight Heat πŸ•› πŸ”₯! Wait – it is not usually hot at midnight! Well, it is steaming hot πŸ₯΅ at midnight when it comes to this naughty, innuendo and sex-laden column featuring songs intended for nighttime. Yeah, we are talking about that after dark, bedroom boom $hi†, ya dig? These unapologetic records often raises both eyebrows and temperature alike. Woo! In the 55th edition of Midnight Heat (2023), we explore the naughty, sexy vibes behind, 🎡 β€œH.I.M.” by πŸŽ™ Durand Bernarr.

Durand Bernarr, Dur& [πŸ“·: DSING]🎡 β€œH.I.M.” appears as the seventh track on πŸ’Ώ Dur&, the 2020 album by R&B singer/songwriter, πŸŽ™ Durand Bernarr. Bernarr wrote β€œHim,” ultimately producing it alongside πŸŽ› Sam Hoffman. It’s worth noting, that Bernarr verified the lyrics on Genius, giving insight on this brief but ear-catching record. Of those lines excerpted above, Bernarr references his… penis. Yup. The last line should give it away πŸ† πŸ’¦ (β€œHe is where I started my journey intimately”).

Bitmoji ImageThe dick references don’t end there. Bernarr poetically laments his circumcision when he sings, β€œMom and daddy got him a fade at such a young age / The rage, they took his choice away.” Furthermore, flaccidity enters the fray: β€œThere is no blood down south / And A/C is on, β€˜Oh wow’.” WOO! Eventually, Durand is explicit about HIM – well – his dick, to be fair: β€œNothin’ but the truth up in this bitch / The most natural state of my dick (Dick), flaccid, real shit / This is it.” Da-yummm… that’s deep… 😈. Very TMI, simultaneously, the lyrics are clever. Bernarr provides some commentary regarding the chorus, which, in summation, involves not being pressed to impress with his manhood at his age.  Honestly, it’s a noteworthy assertion. Bernarr performs 🎡 β€œH.I.M.” well. Maybe it’s not sexy in a traditional sense, anytime a schlong is involved, well, that Midnight Heat πŸ•› πŸ”₯ comes into play.

πŸŽ™ Durand Bernarr β€’ πŸ’Ώ Dur& β€’ 🏷 DSING β€’ πŸ“… 2020

Durand Bernarr, H.I.M.: Midnight Heat πŸ•› πŸ”₯ No. 55 (2023) [πŸ“·: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; DSING; Ash via Pexels; Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Dorothe, Stefan Schweihofer via Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

1 Comment

13 Songs Where HIM is the Pronoun | Playlist 🎧 · July 12, 2023 at 12:01 am

[…] kittens / He is where I started my journey intimately.” Hmm πŸ€”, I wonder what this song, 🎡 β€œHim”, is about? It appears as the seventh track on πŸ’Ώ Dur&, the 2020 album by R&B […]

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