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Doja Cat, “Need to Know”: After Dark No. 10 [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro from Pexels, Kemosabe, KoolShooters from Pexels, Luan Queiros from Pexels, The Musical Hype, RCA]On the 10th edition of After Dark, we explore the naughty, risqué, scandalous & utterly sexual vibes behind, “Need to Know” by Doja Cat.   


nnuendo? More like full-on sexual vibes! Welcome to After Dark 🕛 🌃, a column featuring songs that are best suited for nighttime, specifically, the bedroom.  Like Controversial Tunes 😈🎶, the records featured here raise eyebrows.  The difference between the songs of CONTROVERSY and DARK? These songs specifically focus on the universal topic of S-E-X. The dark records gracing After Dark are old and new alike, with all genres of music welcome.  On the 10th edition of After Dark, we explore the naughty, risqué, scandalous & utterly sexual vibes behind, 🎵 “Need to Know” by 🎙 Doja Cat.

Theme & Lyrics ✍

“I just been fantasizin’ (Size) / And we got a lotta time (Time) / Baby, come throw the pipe (Pipe).”  Woah, woah, WOAH NELLY! “Baby come throw the pipe?”  Well, we know that Doja Cat isn’t referencing a cigar! On “Need to Know”, one of the best moments from 💿 Planet Her, Doja gives us a little bit of everything, singing often, while also dropping un-pitched rhymes on the second verse. The theme and topic of choice for Doja is SEX, of course! What really sells this sexed-up joint is her big personality. Of course, SIZE matters in the bedroom as well, at least according to her:

“What’s your size? (Size
Add, subtract, divide (‘Vide).”

Furthermore, she wants her man to know “I got a lotta new tricks for you, baby / Just sayin’ I’m flexible / I do what I can to get you off.” Day-um!  She doesn’t stop there, considering on the second verse she’s a damn magician: “Oh, wait, you a fan of magic? / Poof, pussy like an Alakazam.” Woo! The crème de la crème – the crowning achievement – is the memorable chorus:

“Wanna know what it’s like
Baby, show me what it’s like
I don’t really got no type
I just wanna fuck all night.”

Yep – sex, sex, SEX.  You read/heard it, with your own eyes/ears folks: “I just wanna fuck all night.” Doja is known for both sexual innuendo and being unapologetic.  She’s both on “Need to Know.” 

Music Video 🎶📼 

Worth noting, the music video that accompanies “Need to Know” is nothing short of awesome.  This is high budget, entertaining, and titillating sugar-honey-iced-tea – no cap! Adding to the eye candy is Doja Cat’s smoking hot love interest, Cameron Saffle 😍.  Sometimes, it’s hard to believe God created such a perfect specimen 😂.  Hotties aside, the video is a captivating piece of art.

Final Thoughts 💭 

Doja Cat offers no substance whatsoever on “Need to Know.” Who cares if this pop joint isn’t transcendent – it’s a B-O-P! Doja’s sexed-up and honest about what she wants and her abilities in the bedroom.  Throw in a killer video with a hunky love interest and “Need to Know” is tailor made for any AFTER DARK 🕛 🌃 playlist.

Also appears on 🔽:
🔗 🎧 Awesome Songs That Tickled My Fancy: June 2021

🎙 Doja Cat • 💿 Planet Her 🏷 Kemosabe / RCA • 📅 2021

Doja Cat, “Need to Know”: After Dark No. 10 [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro from Pexels, Kemosabe, KoolShooters from Pexels, Luan Queiros from Pexels, The Musical Hype, RCA]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.