Iconic musicians Dionne Warwick and Dolly Parton ‘get their praise on’ on the inspiring, uplifting single, “Peace Like a River.”
What happens when two icons – two legends – collaborate? Magic, of course, sheer magic! Dolly Parton and Dionne Warwick join forces to praise The Most High, aka God
. Parton is 77 years young, while Warwick is 82 years young. Both have been in the game for years, so, hearing both on the inspiring single,
“Peace Like A River” is nothing short of awesome. Parton wrote this thoughtful Christian number.
In recent times, Parton remains most active from a performance and recording standpoint. That signature, distinct set of pipes remains powerful. She does the heavy lifting on “Peace Like A River,” reminding us why she is such a national, worldwide treasure. “Peace like a river / Bathe me in your holy stream,” she sings in the first verse, continuing, “In your soothing, living waters / Flood my soul and wash me clean.” Now that right there – that’s a good word! Dionne Warwick joins Dolly in the second verse, continuing to serve up the praise and seek to live as a good Christian ought (“And may I be a great reflection / Of the things that’s right and good”). Warwick’s voice throughout is more coarse and weathered, yet still packs a punch and brings ample character (she can still ‘SANG’). The contrast between the two dynamic artists is part of the charm. The best moment of record should come as no shock – the chorus:
“He’s the answer
To our questions
To our prayer and to all peace
He’s the healer of imperfections
The provider of all needs.”
Final Thoughts
Six words: “He is peace / Like a river.” All told,
“Peace Like A River” is just what the doctor ordered, particularly if you need a lift in spirit. Even if you’re not particularly religious, you’ll appreciate the faith that both of this ladies showcase on this gem.
Dionne Warwick & Dolly Parton •
“Peace Like a River” •
: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; KIND MUSIC GROUP; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]