Reading Time: 4 min read

Cupid: 3BOPS No. 14 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Gordon Johnson from Pixabay, katesupers from Pixabay, The Musical Hype]On this edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with CUPID 💘 in some form or fashion.

On 3BOPS, we are totally dedicated to keeping things L-I-T-E! Similar to 5ive Songs, there’s a topic and a short blurb, only with THREE songs instead of FIVE.  Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume.  On this edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with CUPID 💘 in some form or fashion.

1. Ryan Beatty, “Cupid”

💿 Boy in Jeans 🏷 Boy in Jeans • 📅 2018

Ryan Beatty, Boy in Jeans [📷 : Boy in Jeans]“And when we get older / And y’all break up someday / And this is not a secret / Maybe then you’ll say you love me back / But until then I’ll be dreaming about that.” 🎵 “Cupid” is a standout from 💿 Boy in Jeans, the 2018 debut album by openly gay pop singer 🎙 Ryan Beatty. “Cupid” finds him singing to a high school, closeted boy crush.

Filled with vocals featuring unique effects, he begins addressing his desires: “He’s the only one on my mind / He’s the only one I call when I’m feeling reckless / Tell me that you’re mine.” The second verse is particularly telling:

“Press your lips against my neck
With me you don’t pretend like you’re with your girlfriend
...Date me, I’m just playing
Didn’t mean to say that...
But if you’re down, so am I
I can’t lie.”

Also Appears On 🔽:

🔗 🎧 15 Songs Where Guys Sing About Guys

🔗 🎧 13 Songs That Address Matters of the Heart

2. BJ The Chicago Kid, “The New Cupid”

Ft. Kendrick Lamar

💿 In My Mind 🏷 Motown • 📅 2016

BJ The Chicago Kid, In My Mind [📷: Motown]“Fuck your love, motherfuck your love / That’s what Sir John say…” Well, colorful way to kick off the first verse of 🎵 “The New Cupid” to say the least 🎙 BJ The Chicago Kid.  “The New Cupid” is a highlight from the 🏆 Grammy-nominated R&B artist’s 2016 debut album, 💿 In My Mind.  BJ sings beautiful, in addition to enticing with his ‘way with words.’  The best part of the song, as to be expected, is the chorus.

“Cupid’s too busy in the club
At the bar
Rolling up
And if you see him, let him know
Love is gone
I know, I’m sure
Boys and girls.”

In addition to the intriguing, colorful lyrics, “The New Cupid” features awesome production work courtesy of BJ and 🎛 Joe Syring.  Further enhancing the quality of the record is the use of two samples: 🎵 “Mr. Big Stuff” (Jean Knight) and 🎵 “Oh Girl” (Raphael Saadiq). Oh, and we failed to mention that the featured guest is 🏆 Grammy-winning rapper 🎙 Kendrick Lamar who is a force all by himself!

“I’m parking lot pimpin’, I’m honking at women, I’m all on the curb
Skrt, skrt, skrt, pump my brake, pump my brake
Mini skirt, skirt, skirt, don't walk away, walk away.”

3. Marilyn Manson, “Cupid Carries A Gun”

💿 The Pale Emperor 🏷 Loma Vista • 📅 2015

Marilyn Manson, The Pale Emperor [📷: Loma Vista]“Pound me the witch drums, the witch drums / Better pray for hell, not hallelujah.” Those lyrics hail from 🎙 Marilyn Manson, specifically from the song 🎵 “Cupid Carries A Gun” (💿 The Pale Emperor, 2015). Examine the lyrics further from this song, not to mention its ‘balls to the walls’ accompaniment, and Manson is definitely the ultimate blasphemer.

Of course, having listened to the music of Marilyn Manson over the year, he wouldn’t have it any other way obviously. A prime example of a heretically brilliant lyric:

“She laid as still as a Bible
And it felt like Revelations when I looked inside.”

Yeah, that’s enough to make the staunchest atheist cringe… Blasphemy itself doesn’t seem to be Brian Hugh Warner’s biggest issue though.  No, his biggest issue is those damning abuse allegations made by multiple exes, which caused his label, Loma Vista to drop him. To quote the musical, Chicago, “He had it coming” if he abused these women.

Other notable CUPID joints: 🎵 “Cupid” (🎙 112), 🎵 “Cupid’s Chokehold” (🎙 Gym Class Heroes), 🎵 “Cupid Shuffle” (🎙 Cupid) …

Cupid 💘 : 3BOPS No. x (2021) [📷: Boy in Jeans, Brent Faulkner, Gordon Johnson from Pixabay, katesupers from Pixabay, Loma Vista, Motown, The Musical Hype]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.