Grammy-winning musician Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) is on far on “Lithonia,” a single from his album and soundtrack, Bando Stone & The New World.
“Nobody gives a fuck.” In many cases, that’s a true statement, Childish Gambino (Donald Glover). It’s prevalent in “Lithonia”, an ambitious and engaging single from the Grammy-winning musician. There are plenty of f-bombs, so, “Lithonia” wasn’t made for virgin ears. But if you don’t mind that “nobody gives a fuck,” you’re good. “Cody LaRae / He had a break / He’s findin’ out / That nobody gives a fuck.” Who is Cody LaRae? A character from the film and Glover’s album/soundtrack to the film, Bando Stone & The New World, I believe… “Lithonia” was produced by Glover, Ludwig Göransson, Michael Uzowuru, and Max Martin.
With little knowledge or context of the film, deciphering “Lithonia” is an adventure. The songwriting is captivating nonetheless on this ‘conceptual’ song. “My sweet Lithonia / What have you done? / These are your children / I am your son” likely plays a role in the film/soundtrack, but also stands alone. Lithonia is a city in Georgia, after all, so Glover, who was raised in Georgia, may have issues with it. There is no question about the excellence of the sound of “Lithonia.” The organ is a fabulous touch. Also, the keys, synths, and rock cues are sweet. “Lithonia” feels like it’s in the pop and alternative R&B realm. Childish Gambino delivers commanding, energetic, and powerful vocals. He gets awesome support from background vocals. The melodies he sings are tuneful from start to finish. While “Lithonia” leaves the listener with plenty of questions about the narrative and who Cody LaRae is, musically, Childish Gambino is on fire as always.
Childish Gambino // “Lithonia” // RCA / mcDJ Recording // 7.2.24
: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; RCA / mcDJ Recording; Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Królestwo Nauki, OpenClipart-Vectors, Pete Linforth, Tumisu from Pixabay]