So, country singer/former Survivor finalist Chase Rice returns with a single from his forthcoming album, entitled “Everybody We Know Does.” “Everybody We Know Does” ends up being a catchy single, particularly the chorus: “That’s what we do, that’s what we love / that how we were raised, how we grew up / runs deep in our veins, way down in our blood / everybody we know does.” What’s the big idea? It’s pretty simple – “this is the way we live.”
Rice shares more insight into “Everybody We Know Does” with Billboard, but essentially, this is a song about what life is like in Rice’s community – activities, likes, tradition. Does “Everybody We Know Does” reinvent the country wheel or come over as particularly new? The answer is no. Why? While the song slightly differentiates itself from the idea of “hometowns,” it’s not that far removed. Additionally, while this is a sound return to familiar things for Rice, he doesn’t do enough to make it innovative or truly revelatory.
All-in-all, this is good single and Rice should feel proud. He brags about the musicians to Billboard and he should – they sound great here. Wow-factor? Minimally average, but pushes towards above average. There’s something there with “Everybody We Know Does” for sure!