In the 22nd edition of Sunday Refresh, we’re uplifted by Rev. Charles H. Nicks, Jr. performing, “Lord I Know You’ve Been So Good.”
So, I’m originally from Danville, Kentucky which is a relatively small city in the central part of the Bluegrass State. As a child, I attended a small church, the next county over in Lincoln County – an African Methodist Episcopal church. While the part of Danville I lived in was the city, my church was located in the country over railroad tracks – a completely contrasting experience. The church, now closed, was modest in size and membership, but the spirit was high. Rather than embrace the contemporary black gospel, we dug into the hymns and slightly newer, but still ‘old-school’ gospel standards. When I hear Rev. Charles H. Nicks, Jr. and
The St. James Baptist Church Adult Choir sing
“Lord I Know You’ve Been So Good”, it reminds me of the spirit that was ripe in my family church.
“Lord I Know You’ve Been So Good” is one of those slightly newer but still ‘old-school’ gospel standards. It’s not a hymn but at this stage in the game, it’s well established. The messaging is transcendent as the lead praises God for being awesome and merciful. This is a testimony to his sheer, utmost excellence. In the first chorus, the testimony is, “You watched over me, all night long / Lord I know you’ve been so good.” In the second, it’s “I could’ve been dead, sleeping in my grave / Lord, I know you spared my life.” In addition to those moving lyrics, there are two verses, both of which acknowledge sin, trials, and tribulations that Jesus ultimately bailed the lead – and the bigger picture, us – out of trouble. Those of us that consider ourselves believers are unable to repay God for what he does for us, but this song attempts to show our gratitude. It exemplifies that spiritual refresh that transcends beyond Sunday.
Rev. Charles H. Nicks, Jr. •
Hold Back the Night •
Rev. Charles H. Nicks, Jr., “Lord I Know You’ve Been So Good”: Sunday Refresh
No. 22 (2022) [
: Brent Faulkner, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Gerhard G., JL G, The Musical Hype, Pixabay]