10 Dark, Twisted Songs About Albert Fish | Playlist 
10 DARK, TWISTED SONGS ABOUT ALBERT FISH captures the horrors of the serial killer, courtesy of Exhumed, Tyler, the Creator, Macabre & others.
10 DARK, TWISTED SONGS ABOUT ALBERT FISH captures the horrors of the serial killer, courtesy of Exhumed, Tyler, the Creator, Macabre & others.
Move over you twisted serial killers. The equally, if not more disturbing mass murderers are the subject of our latest, criminally insane playlist.
The world is disgusted and fascinated with serial killers and their heinous crimes. Here are 18 MORE Chilling Songs capturing the horror of serial killers.
One of the rare female serial killers, who happened to be royalty, a number of songs have been written about the ‘Blood Countess,’ Elizabeth Báthory.
Ed Gein was another one of those terrible serial killers. Here, we’ve compiled 13 songs that make up a Twisted Soundtrack for the Butcher of Plainfield.
Armin Meiwes, the infamous Rotenburg Cannibal, gets a twisted soundtrack of 5 songs regarding his perverseness.
12 SONGS WRITTEN ABOUT OR INSPIRED BY TED BUNDY explores one of the most repugnant human beings to grace planet earth.
The world is disgusted and fascinated with serial killers and the crimes they commit. Here are 18 Chilling Songs that capture the horror of Serial Killers.
John Wayne Gacy ranks among the most infamous serial killers ever. Numerous musicians have written songs depicting his hellishness.
Jeffrey Dahmer ranks among the most infamous serial killers ever. Numerous musicians have written songs depicting his hellishness.