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3.5 out of 5 stars

Britney Spears, Make Me © RCABritney Spears’ latest single “Make Me” is easily a cut above her previous single, the mediocre “Pretty Girls” featuring Iggy Azalea. 

No sugar-coating. Britney Jean, Britney Spears’ previous studio album, was her least successful hands down. Despite featuring the now commonplace parental advisory sticker, Britney Jean was a bore. Sure, “Work Bitch” was a bright spot, but otherwise, few could be found. To amplify Spears’ mediocrity as of late, single “Pretty Girls” (featuring Iggy Azalea) was nothing short of a hot mess. The single had great intentions, but simply missed the mark.  On her latest single, “Make Me,” Spears doesn’t call Iggy back, but trades her out for G-Eazy, who’s star seems to rise each and every day.

Britney Spears has never been the greatest vocalist – no shade. Upon her genesis, she fit the mold of a pop star, oozing in sex appeal.  Examine the cover art for single “Make Me” and once more, her stunning looks can’t be written off.  How many times over the years has Spears bared her midriff? Exactly.  Why should “Make Me” be any different? Sex sells…well, maybe it streams this day and age.

While Spears isn’t known for gospel histrionics, she has a respectable set of pipes that pulls off the urban balladry of “Make Me.”  From the jump, there’s a feeling of relief – this isn’t another faux pas like “Pretty Girls!”  The production work gives Spears a huge lift, especially the warmth of the synths.  Vocally, while Spears’ lead is perfectly suited for “Make Me,” it’s the radiant harmonized vocals during the chorus that truly shine brightest.

G-Eazy’s guest verse gives “Make Me” another positive. No, the rhymes aren’t the second coming, but G-Eazy is successful in his collaborative role.  In other words, it feels right. Does it supplant his excellent contributions to Grace’s “You Don’t Own Me?” No, but then this particular song isn’t better than “You Don’t Own Me” either.

All in all, Britney Spears seems to have something with “Make Me.” It won’t blow the world away like “Oops (I Did Again)” or “Toxic,” but it’s easily a step above that previous single that shall not be named again.

3.5 out of 5 stars

Britney Spears • Make Me – Single (ft. G-Eazy) • RCA • Release: 7.15.16
Photo Credit: © RCA


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.