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Boyz II Men, “A Song For Mama”: Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 No. 26 (2023) [📷: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Motown; cottonbro studio, Itzel  Sandoval, Neeraj Nagdeve via Pexels]In the 26th edition of Music Lifts (2023), we’re uplifted by R&B collective Boyz II Men performing, “A Song For Mama.”

Welcome to Music Lifts 🎶 🏋, a column that seeks to highlight songs that encourage, inspire, and uplift the spirit; songs that exude fortitude, positivity, and resolve, even in the face of adversity.  Featured songs aren’t genre-specific; songs may or may not be faith-based. The goal is for these songs to make you feel better – be LIFTED to new heights!  So, for the 26th edition of Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 (2023), we highlight 🎵 “A Song For Mama” as performed by R&B collective, 🎙 Boyz II Men.


Boyz II Men, Evolution [📷: Motown]Exodus 20 can be considered one of the key scriptures in The Bible. Notably, this scripture contains The Ten Commandments. Yup, it’s kind of a BIG deal. This is NOT a theological post, though – no sermons here – but one verse, and specifically, one of The Ten Commandments  aligns with the song highlighted, 🎵 “A Song For Mama” by 🎙 Boyz II Men. In Exodus 20:12, via the NKJV, the scripture reads, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” On the uplifting “A Song For Mama,” the iconic R&B collective declares their love and appreciation their moms. They honor incredibly special ladies. A highlight from their 1997 album, 💿 Evolution, the feels are lit 🔥 to the nth degree.

“You taught me everything / Everything you’ve given me / I’ll always keep it inside / You’re the driving force in my life, yeah.” For Boyz II Men, and people universally (including me), a mother is one of the most special people in their life.  A nurturing, loving mother is truly a blessing from God. While often we refer to a biological mother, sometimes, that mother does not have to be biological – they play that maternal role which Boyz II Men so elegantly characterize.  Later, the Boyz add, “When everyone was downin’ me / You always did understand / You gave me strength to go on.” Ah, the support that only a mom can give – support friends can’t – is nothing short of a Godsend.  The centerpiece of this top-10 hit is the chorus, which sums up this unconditional love radiantly!

balancing a barbell on finger“Mama, Mama you know I love you

Mama, Mama you’re the queen of my heart

Your love is like tears from the stars

Mama I just want you to know

Lovin’ you is like food to my soul.”

Nothing more needs to be said. Whether it is Mother’s Day or not, the importance of honoring thy mother is something we all should strive to do. 🎼 ✍ Babyface – you penned a surefire gem 👏!


Appears in 🔻:

🎙 Boyz II Men • 💿 Evolution 🏷 Motown • 📅 1997

Boyz II Men, “A Song For Mama”: Music Lifts 🎶 🏋 No. 26 (2023) [📷: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Motown; cottonbro studio, Itzel Sandoval, Neeraj Nagdeve via Pexels]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.