Reading Time: 4 min read

Boy 👦: 5ive Songs No. 48 [📷: 12TONE Music, 88rising, Brent Faulkner, Columbia, GODMODE, Pretty Monkey Recordz, Republic, Unsplash, Warner]On this edition of 5ive Songs, we select five songs that are associated with a BOY 👦 or BOYS 👦 👦 in some form or fashion. 

On 5ive Songs, we (I) keep things short and sweet – no extra calories or needless fluff.  There’s a topic, five songs, and a short blurb that doesn’t exceed a paragraph.  Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume.  On this edition of 5IVE SONGS, we select five songs that are associated with a BOY 👦 or BOYS 👦 👦 in some form or fashion.

1. The Neighbourhood, “Pretty Boy”

💿 Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones🏷 Columbia • 🗓 2020 

The Neighbourhood, Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones [Photo Credit: Columbia]🎵“Pretty Boy” is definitely a magnificent first full-length number from 💿 Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones, the fourth studio album by 🎙 The Neighbourhood. The big takeaway thematically is love… with doom, of course. Both dedication and that doom is captured on the centerpiece, the chorus: “Even if the Earth starts shaking / You’re the only thing worth taking, ooh with me.” Worth noting, “Pretty Boy” features only one verse, in which ‘Pretty boy’ and ‘Baby girl’ are in it until the end.  The sound of the record is unique, with blending indie and psychedelic elements.  As always, you can depend on that signature, detuned sound Jesse Rutherford and company love.

2. Claire Rosinkranz, “Backyard Boy”

💿 BeVerly Hills BoYfRiEnd [EP] • 🏷 Purple Monkey Recordz • 🗓 2020

Claire Rosinkranz, Beverly Hills Boyfriend [📷: Purple Monkey Recordz]🎵 “Backyard Boy,” which appears as the opener from 💿 BeVerly Hills BoYfRiEnd, the 2020 EP from 16-year old 🎙 Claire Rosinkranz. She keeps things short and sweet as “Backyard Boy” runs just north of two minutes in duration. “Dance with me in my backyard boy / Looking super fine in your corduroy,” she sings on the fun, groovy, sunny, and innocent joint.  She paints a picture of utter perfection where everything feels totally right (“(Da-da-da-da-da) / Everything is perfect /… Backyard boy, you make me nervous”). The vibe is lit, of course, in the most innocent, sunny way possible.

Also appears on 🔽:

🔗 🎧 Alluring Songs Where the Keyword is Back, Vol. 2

3. Omar Apollo, “Hey Boy”

Ft. Kali Uchis

💿 Apolonio • 🏷 Warner • 🗓 2020 

Omar Apollo, Apolonio [📷: Warner]Sometimes, you don’t even need two minutes to drop fire. 🎵 “Hey Boy” marks one of many captivating moments on 💿 Apolonio, despite its brevity. 🎙 Omar Apollo sets the tone with the chorus, which is incredibly simple yet memorable.  Then, 🎙 Kali Uchis shines on two incredibly sexy verses.  “Always on your mind, you could call it haunting,” she sings at the end of the second verse, continuing, “Papi, ven pa’ca’ and see this ass in person.”  Pretty sweet alternative R&B joint.

4. Joji, “Pretty Boy”

Ft. Lil Yachty

💿 Nectar🏷 88rising / 12TONE Music • 🗓 2020

Joji, Nectar [📷: 88rising / 12Tone Music]On 🎵 “Pretty Boy,” a standout from 💿 Nectar, 🎙 Joji (George Miller) collaborates with an unlikely artist, 🎙 Lil Yachty. “Pretty Boy” has a hip-hop sensibility, apparent from the jump.  The chorus, sung by Miller, would be highly successful on any rap joint.  The Lil Yachty feature definitely seems far-fetched on paper, but the melodic sensibilities of the rapper make more sense when you hear the record.  Is it odd? Yes, but much of Nectar seems to be about experimentation – going beyond tried and true scripts. 

5. LoveLeo, “BOYFREN”


LoveLeo, LOOK AT THIS MESS IVE MADE (EP) [📷: GODMODE / Republic]“You know I’m grade A / Ya boyfriend wanna B me / You go outta your way / Too make sure you don’t C me.” Woo! 🎵 “BOYFREN” was a breakout, viral hit for 🎙 LoveLeo, the handsome, talented musician son of actor John C. Reilly.  A highlight from his debut EP, 💿 LOOK AT THIS MESS IVE MADE, it’s distinct and utterly left of center.  While it’s quirky tune, the form is standard, with two verses and a simple, but highly effective and infectious chorus – “You should break up with your boyfriend / And get with me.”  Furthermore, the sound of the record is sweet especially those whistles! Odd, but incredibly enticing.

Boy 👦: 5ive Songs No. 48 [📷: 12TONE Music, 88rising, Brent Faulkner, Columbia, GODMODE, Pretty Monkey Recordz, Republic, Unsplash, Warner]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.