Reading Time: 3 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Bon Iver, i, i [Photo Credit: Jagjaguwar]Alternative collective Bon Iver, fronted by Justin Vernon, delivers a gorgeous and intriguing fourth studio album with i,i. 

Grammy-winning alternative collective Bon Iver, led by Justin Vernon, definitely has its own distinct sound.  This sound is an acquired taste but it’s hard to deny that the music is quite intriguing. Initially, the collective’s fourth studio album, i,i didn’t rouse me in the same fashion it did to others upon hearing it. Furthermore, it didn’t quite ‘tickle my fancy’ in the same respect as previous album, 22, A Million (2016).  That said, after setting the album aside and returning to it, it’s charm and proficiency is undeniable.  Hey, it ended up appearing on the 25 Best Albums of 2019 (#13) after all.


“Fold your hands into mine / I did my believing / Seeing every time.” There are a number of accomplished moments on i,i. Arguably the crowning achievement is 🤩 “Faith”, an absolutely fantastic record that’s well-written, well-produced (Justin Vernon, Brad Cook and Chris Messina), and ear-catching.  “Faith” was selected among the 51 Best Songs of 2019 (#38). The sound embraces indie folk, constructed by layered acoustic guitars, as well as piano.  Also, the signature alternative-electronic piece remains in play, with unique vocal effects, synths, and pads. The nods to religion, rather anti-religion, run rampant.  The fourth verse is arguably the best of them all, where Vernon flat out denounces faith in God:

“This is for my sister
That for my maple
It’s not going the road I’d known as a child of God
Nor to become stable
(So, what if I lose? I’m satisfied).”

“Faith” makes you think as a listener; it’s a deep, philosophical piece of art.

“Hey, Ma”

“Full time, you talk your money up / While it’s living in a coal mine / Tall time to call your Ma / Hey Ma, hey Ma.” Prior to “Faith” on i,i, there’s also the brilliant Record of the Year nominee, ✓  🤩 “Hey, Ma.” “Hey Ma” is a colorful, gorgeous record that also features captivating production and standout lyricism. Vernon sings beautifully, alluding numerous things, such as mental health, drug use (“I was tokin’ on dope /… I had a heavy mind, sugar”), and environmental issues (the aforementioned, excerpted chorus).  Like “Faith,” I selected “Hey, Ma” as one of the 51 Best Songs of 2019 (#47).


Beyond “Faith” and “Hey, Ma,” i,i features plenty of other noteworthy moments.  Intro “Yi” may come off insignificant in the big scheme of things, but it sets the experimental tone of the album, specifically how it’s recorded.  The chopped-up sounds create an interesting soundscape to say the least.  Bon Iver earn the listener’s attention here for sure. Follow up “iMi” is more significant, continuing to embrace unique recording techniques – chopped, ‘percussive’ sounds and effects-laden, layered vocals. Besides the electronic sensibilities, the acoustic instrumentation is quite impressive – lovely in its own right.  In addition to the ever-colorful vocals Justin Vernon, the intro is performed by Mike Noyce, while there are also contributions from Camilla Staveley-Taylor and Velvet Negroni.

“U (Man Like You)” 

Skipping around, i,i has other moments of excellence.  Maybe just a shade behind the likes “Faith” and “Hey, Ma,” and a notch savvier than “iMi” is “U (Man Like You).” “U (Man Like You)” shines thanks to its piano-dominated sound, not to mention those irresistible, beautiful vocals by Justin Vernon.  It also does hurt that Bon Iver has an incredibly memorable chorus on hand:

“With your long arms, try
And just give some time
Presently, it does include my dues
Ain’t your standard premonitions
All this phallic repetition
Boy, you tell yourself a tale or two
Man like you
Man, improve.”

“Naeem” is pretty sweet ear candy, standing out for no other reason than its percussiveness – it’s certainly heavy on snare drum.  Trumping “Naeem” is the soulful, folksy “Marion,” filled with – wait for it – gorgeous vocal harmonies. Lyrically, its subtle, but the spare lyrics that are sung are potent to say the least.

“Well, I thought that this was half a love…
Follow to the rising sea
Well, I thought this was half a love.”  

Final Thoughts

In this review, I failed to cover every song, but hit some of the highlights – the most high-flying moments from i,i.  While I was more skeptical when I first heard this LP, it has certainly grown on me significantly.  As a music listener, lover, and critic, I believe in the power of evolution, which is the case for me regarding i,i.  If there are no other takeaways from this project, the big takeaway personally is that this is an absolutely beautiful LP that sounds distinct of everything else released in 2019. Kudos Bon Iver, kudos.

Gems: “iMi,”  🤩 “Hey, Ma,” “U (Man Like),” “Naeem,”  🤩“Faith” & “Marion”

4 out of 5 stars

Bon Iver • i,i • Jagjaguwar • Release: 8.30.19
Photo Credit: Jagjaguwar


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.