In the first edition of Music Lifts (2025), we’re uplifted by Grammy-nominated pop singer/songwriter Benson Boone’s song “Friend.”
Welcome to Music Lifts
, a column highlighting songs that encourage, inspire, and uplift the spirit; songs exuding fortitude, positivity, and resolve, even in the face of adversity. Featured songs aren’t genre-specific; songs may or may not be faith-based. The goal is for these songs to make you feel better – be LIFTED to new heights! So, for the first edition of Music Lifts
(2024), we highlight “Friend” as performed by Benson Boone.
“Only so much weight my back could take, I’m sinkin’ like a stone / … I could use someone to help me pick up the pieces that remain.” A friend! That is what the handsome, often shirtless (and ripped) Benson Boone needs! “Friend” is the penultimate track from the Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter’s 2024, platinum-certified debut album, Fireworks & Rollerblades – it’s giving “Beautiful Things” y’all! Boone penned “Friend” alongside Michael Matosic, Jack LaFrantz, and producers Jon Levine and Dan Farber.
“Friend” begins as a ballad, where Boone excels. And by ‘excel,’ Bensons delivers big, nuanced vocals. He brings the gorgeous melodies alive with his powerful instrument. After about a minute in, the tide turns. The tempo picks up, and rhythmic drums anchor this friend-needing song. Besides Boone’s alluring lead vocals, layers of background vocals help keep the song energetic and engaging. “Would you take my call / When my head’s against the wall?” he sings in the second verse, continuing, “And would you sit me down and hear me out? / Would you call me beautiful?” I’ll gladly call you beautiful Benson if it is any consolation
. Anyways, the big moment comes by way of the chorus, where a friend is vital to encourage Boone when things get tough, particularly from a mental health perspective.
“I’m so close to the edge
And I need a friend, yeah, I need a friend
Somebody when the world starts cavin’ in
I need a hand, yeah, I need a friend
I’m tryin’ to remember what it’s like
To be young and alive
I’m so close to the edge
And I need a friend, I need a friend.”
All of us need a friend, a confidante, and a shoulder to lean on. Benson Boone sings authentically and beautifully on the relatable, uplifting “Friend”.
Benson Boone // Fireworks & Rollerblades // Night Street / Warner // 2024
Benson Boone, Friend: Music Lifts
No. 1 (2025) [
: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Night Street / Warner; BD Jewel, Dave H, Jean-Daniel Francoeur, Joshua Brown, Vansh Mehta from Pexels; AcatXIo, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]