Swedish pop singer/songwriter Benjamin Ingrosso shines on “I Wouldn’t Know,” where he’s totally fed up with a ‘one-sided relationship.’
“Why’re you so damn hard to talk to / That’s not the way it’s supposed to be.” Uh oh, Benjamin Ingrosso – trouble in paradise? Yes, the Swedish singer/songwriter is having some relationship issues. What better way to atone than to share the plight of love with the whole world? He does just that on single “I Wouldn’t Know,” ‘keeping it 100’ you might say.
One of the best aspects of “I Wouldn’t Know” is the sound and the production. The guitar intro is a common sound in pop music, but almost always effective. The same can be said here. The overall sounds blend pop and electronic, while also dabbling into folk-pop. The folk-pop groove arrives on the refrain, following each verse. Also, worth noting within the production is the use of keyboard.
As aforementioned, Ingrosso is giving his best in the relationship, but it’s not being reciprocated. In addition to crying foul on the aforementioned excerpt on the first verse, he goes on to say on the second, “Am I the only one who’s trying / To have a little sympathy.” At this point, he’s over it. On the refrain he proclaims, “I won’t waste no more time waiting for a sign / It’s already clear / That you got issues / And I got questions / My one request ‘fore I leave.” Shifting gears from the lyrical content and narrative, what about this 20-year old’s voice? He’s distinct, commanding and compelling from the start. He has a rasp that’s to die for on the refrain. He whips out the falsetto on the warm pre-chorus:
“Tell me / What it’s like to have someone who’s always there for you / Tell me / What it’s like to love someone who give a damn ‘bout you.”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, Benjamin Ingrosso finds someone who “gives a damn about him” in the romantic sense. When it comes to fandom, well, there’s going to be plenty of people who“give several damns” about how utterly talented he is. For now, “I Wouldn’t Know” is a fine piece of ear candy exploring everyone’s favorite topic – love, specifically the plight of love.