Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Avril Lavigne, Head Above Water [Photo Credits: Avril Lavigne Music / BMG Rights Management]Avril Lavigne strikes gold once more on “Tell Me It’s Over,” the second single from her highly-anticipated sixth studio album, ‘Head Above Water.’

“But every time that you touch me / I forget what we’re fighting about / Oh, you come and you leave / Shame on me for believing every word out of your mouth.” Avril Lavigne made quite the splash with her long-awaited comeback single, “Head Above Water” – understatement. Uncharacteristic of Lavigne, “Head Above Water” found her getting spiritual regarding the fight for her life with Lyme disease. Among the best of her career, the record earned a well-deserved spot on The Musical Hype 100 Best Songs of 2018 (no. 24).  Unsurprisingly, her long-awaited sixth studio album is also titled Head Above WaterCan’t blame her – it’s a great title. She returns with her second single, “Tell Me It’s Over.”

Once again, Avril Lavigne totally surprises on “Tell Me It’s Over.”  For anyone waiting for her return to her whiny, sometimes punk-oriented sound, you’ll be disappointed. Mark my words though – it’s a good disappointment! Here, Lavigne dives into soul music, or at least soulful, urban pop, marking yet another career departure.  Honestly, I never thought I’d hear the day that Lavigne was accompanied by horns or choral, gospel-infused vocals.  But it’s not only the brilliant production work that stands out, but also those high-flying vocals from Lavigne.  Just like on “Head Above Water,” the listener is blessed with her vocal prowess, perhaps something unappreciated or overlooked during her younger days.

That doesn’t even touch on the authenticity captured by the songwriting or Lavigne.  The aforementioned lyrics from the pre-chorus are a perfect example of the emotions she superbly conveys. She’s incredibly believable on this break-up gem, which is summed up simply, yet masterfully on the chorus.

“Tell me it’s over if it’s really over
‘Cause it don’t feel like it’s over
Whenever you’re closing the door, no
So tell me it’s over.”

Final Thoughts

Once more, Avril Lavigne has struck gold.  She nails it on this soulful break-up album, presenting herself as much more mature at this point in her career.

4 out of 5 stars

Avril Lavigne • Head Above Water • Avril Lavigne Music / BMG Rights Management • Release: 2.15.18
Photo Credits: Avril Lavigne Music / BMG Rights Management


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.