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Avalanche: 3BOPS No. 39 (2021) [📷 : Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Simon from Pixabay]On the 39th edition of 3BOPS (2021), we select three awesome songs that are associated with an AVALANCHE in some form or fashion.  

On 3BOPS, we are totally dedicated to keeping things L-I-T-E! Similar to 5ive Songs, there’s a topic and a short blurb, only with THREE songs instead of FIVE.  Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume.  On the 39th edition of 3BOPS (2021), we select three awesome songs that are associated with an AVALANCHE in some form or fashion.

1. Christian French, “Avalanche”

🎵 “Avalanche” • 🏷 Disruptor / Columbia • 📅 2021

Christian French, "Avalanche" [📷 : Disruptor / Columbia]“I thought I’d always love you / But now I can’t / Oh, I started an avalanche.” Indeed, 🎙 Christian French, indeed.  The good news, however, is 🎵 “Avalanche”, the pop single, is a surefire bop.  Yeah, maybe things are messy in French’s love life, or so the lyrics suggest, but this ‘French’ original right here – fire.  So, what makes “Avalanche” a bop? Well, it starts with the authentic, expressive vocal performance.  Listening to Christian sing these heartfelt, honest, and reflective lyrics, you buy what he’s selling – believable to the nth degree. Listening to him sing, and reading the lyrics, I can totally visualize and relate to the feelings conveyed.

“These thoughts that started in my head
So cold had a snowball effect
Oh no, I tried, I can’t outrun
The damage is already done.”

When reflecting on the song and his own experiences during a difficult year via IG, it makes sense that he’s giving his all on this record.  Beyond the vocals and songwriting dabbling in those matters of the heart – reneging on the love – “Avalanche” benefits from sound, fitting production. Sure, French has unleashed an avalanche, he won’t ‘snow’ on your listening parade… Okay, that made no sense, but what I’m saying is, French delivers ‘the goods’ with “Avalanche.”

2. Migos, “Avalanche”

💿 Culture III 🏷 Quality Control Music • 📅 2021

Migos, Culture III [📷 : Quality Control Music]“Woo, Papa was a rollin’ stone, but now I got rollin’ stones in the bezel (Ice) / Mama at home all alone, hustlin’, tryna keep this shit together (Mama).” Woo indeed 🎙 Quavo! 🎙 Migos get off to a sensational start on 💿 Culture III with 🎵 “Avalanche.”  Here, those triplet flows are compelling, with memorable rhymes and one-liners.  It’s not all Quavo on this hook-less juggernaut, of course! 🎙 Takeoff and 🎙 Offset get into the action as well on this top tier moment from a lengthy, overstuffed LP.

Besides Migos themselves, arguably, the biggest draw on “Avalanche” is the production (Quavo and 🎛 DJ Durel). 🎙 The Temptations’ 🎵 “Papa Was a Rolling Stone” fuels the fire.  This is a sample I never envisioned would be as effective as it is on this trap banger.  In this case, the precipitation 🌨❄ – well – it’s lit 🔥!


3. Bring Me the Horizon, “Avalanche”

💿 That’s the Spirit • 🏷 Sony • 📅 2015

Bring Me the Horizon, That's the Spirit [📷 : Sony]“It’s like an avalanche, I feel myself go under / ‘Cause the weight of it’s like hands around my neck,” 🎙 Bring Me the Horizon front man 🎙 Oli Sykes sings on the chorus of 🎵 “Avalanche.” He continues on the gigantic chorus of the seventh track from 💿 That’s the Spirit (2015): “I never stood a chance; my heart was frozen over / An’ I feel like I am treadin’ on thin ice.”  Naturally, the lyrics of “Avalanche” are associated with the devastating disaster than can potentially kill you.  Throughout the record, Sykes is clearly in a bad place, evidenced by the ‘chronic’ nature of the lyrics.  “And no, it’s not a phase, ‘cause it happens all the times,” he sings on the first verse, while he’s seeking a cure – “an antidote” – on the second verse.

The thing is, why would Oli Sykes be looking for a ‘cure’ for an avalanche? That seems like the incorrect terminology. Well, that’s because he’s NOT talking about a literal avalanche – duh! Instead, he’s referencing his condition, ADHD.

“I need a cure for me, ‘cause a square doesn’t fit the circle
Give me a remedy, ‘cause my head wasn’t wired for this world.”

Also appears on 🔽:

🔗 🎧 11 Colorful Songs That Reference Devastating Disasters

Avalanche: 3BOPS No. 39 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Columbia, Disruptor, The Musical Hype, Quality Control Music, Simon from Pixabay, Sony, Wilson Blanco from Pixabay]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.