Yemen born Canadian pop artist Ali Gatie delivers an enjoyable, respectable single in “Can’t Let You Go” in advance of The Idea of Her.
Yemen born Canadian
pop/R&B artist
Ali Gatie has been quietly ascending in the game. He’s had some chart success but still hasn’t become a dominant force – yet. Could Gatie be on his way to superstardom with his latest single,
“Can’t Let You Go,” appearing on his new album,
The Idea of Her? Only time will tell, but there’s plenty to like about the song at hand.
As always, Gatie sings incredibly smoothly, barely breaking a sweat. He rides the lush production work (Gatie and Sam Wish) with ease, tackling his favorite topic – LOVE. Love works every time when it comes to songwriting and delivering an emotional performance, doesn’t it? After a slow, restrained start, “Can’t Let You Go” gets more punch on the chorus with the addition of drums and a bit more punch from Gatie.
“Then even if I could, I wouldn’t No matter what the price is, I would pay Don’t matter if I should or shouldn’t It wouldn’t even matter anyway Then even if I could, I wouldn’t No matter what the price is, I would pay Don’t matter if I should or shouldn’t I woulda never gave up anyway.”
Still, he never overreaches, remaining true to self and preserving the sanctity of the melody, which is quite tuneful. The second verse feels a bit looser, with some drum programming entering in after a couple of bars (nothing too much though). As far as the form, it is pretty straightforward, featuring verse, pre-chorus, chorus, and post-chorus, with a brief outro performed in Arabic. All in all, Gatie brings soundness – solid as a rock!
Final Thoughts 
Once again, Ali Gatie delivers an enjoyable, well-rounded single with “Can’t Let You Go.” He doesn’t change the game, the world, or the outcome of his relationship – “You sold me a dream and knew I would believe in your lies” – but, ultimately, I’m buying what he’s selling. “Can’t Let You Go” gets the job done as a respectable promo for The Idea of Her.
Ali Gatie •
The Idea of Her •
LISN / Warner •
: LISN / Warner]