Reading Time: 3 min read

4 out of 5 stars

ALEX EXISTS, “Never Christmas Without You” [📷: Agata Waclawska, The Confidence Emperors]Bored with traditional Christmas carols? Look no further than “Never Christmas Without You,” a colorful original by ALEX EXISTS that’s sure to tickle your fancy.

First and foremost, the world needs to know, 🎙 ALEX EXISTS (Alexander Pulec).  Furthermore, they need to know, this musician totally rocks – like kicking ass and taking names rocks 🤘! The holiday season means we get the gift that keeps on giving, Christmas music! While there are many standards that we all live for during November throughout December (yes, looking at you 🎙 Mariah Carey), it’s always awesome when we are given the gift of a brand-new, must-hear Christmas joint.  With Alex’s existence firmly established, he impresses with 🎵 “Never Christmas Without You”. According to the frontman of 🎙 The Nursery, on this offering from his solo project, “‘Never Christmas Without You’ is for anyone that feels crestfallen during the holiday season.”

ALEX EXISTS, “Never Christmas Without You” [📷: Agata Waclawska, The Confidence Emperors]So, what makes “Never Christmas Without You” the next hot original Christmas carol? The music and high level of musicianship carry plenty of weight. “Never Christmas Without You” commences enigmatically, setting the tone for the picturesque record to come.  The palette consists of big, colorful sounds which include keys and gritty, distorted guitars, sigh. Even with those superb pop/rock cues, there are tried-and-true holiday sounds – the bells, in particular. Still, those rocking elements, from cool riffs, and unison bass/guitar lines, are part of the allure.  Another big selling point is the vocals. Alex possesses a distinct voice that’s raspy and alluring – there’s something charming and endearing about it.  As far as the form, the best section – the centerpiece – is the chorus. Additionally, the chorus is incredibly tuneful, featuring memorable, expressively performed lyrics.  The songwriting, much like the music, is commendable, further showcasing ALEX EXISTS’ sheer talent. Per Pulec:

This isn’t an ‘I miss you’ type of Christmas song, but rather a message that even though you feel like the holiday season is ruined, it won’t feel like that forever. We must move on and find strength to rebuild and do it again. No matter how tragic life gets for you, there is always an extra seat at our table.

Notably, shout out the use of repetition lyrically at the end extending the awesomeness of this track.

Final Thoughts 💭 

Bitmoji ImageThe tried-and-true Christmas standards aren’t going anywhere – we know this.  That said, why not add to them?  ALEX EXISTS brings the heat with 🎵 “Never Christmas Without You”, period.  If you’re feeling bored of the same old songs, Alex has just what the doctor ordered this holiday season.

4 out of 5 stars

🎙 Alex Exists🎵 “Never Christmas Without You”🏷 The Confidence Emperors • 🗓 11.18.22
[📷: Brent Faulkner, The Confidence Emperors, The Musical Hype, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.