Reading Time: 2 min read


3 out of 5 stars

6 Dogs, Off the Gas © InterscopeRising rapper 6 Dogs taps felling rising rapper Lil Skies for the collaborative single, “Off the Gas.” New ground isn’t broken, but “Off the Gas” is relatively enjoyable.

SoundCloud rappers are definitely in abundance – arguably overabundance.  While the style associated with the younger crop of rappers ‘blowing up’ on the platform is objectionable, there’s nothing wrong with building a career via the platform. Teenage Atlanta rapper 6 Dogs is another rising member of the bunch.  He pairs up with Lil Skies on a relatively enjoyable new single, “Off the Gas.”

Following a brief instrumental intro, 6 Dogs starts things off with the chorus.  Melodic, he sings in relatively nonchalant fashion. Despite the low-energy, deadpan style, the chorus is catchy. It’s also utterly simplistic.

“When I’m off the gas, I can see things…

New things, old things, dead things…”

What is 6 Dogs’ “gas?” Some kind of drug.  He continues his melodic/pop-rapping into the first verse.  Perhaps the young rapper says nothing profound, but he gets some worthwhile punches in.

“‘You won’t be shit,’ that’s what they said

‘You can eat a dick, that’s what I said.”

Fighting words. Anyways, after another catchy hook, 6 Dogs passes the torch to Lil Skies on the second verse. His rhymes encompass jewelry, his foreign, and sex.  In other words, it’s a flex-fest.

Final Thoughts

6 Dogs drops a respectable joint with “Off the Gas.” Is it particularly profound, game changing, or transcendent?  Absolutely not.  That said, the youngster sounds like he has a ‘leg up’ compared to some of his contemporaries, for what it’s worth.  Lil Skies is true to himself, and the movement, but personally, I’ve heard much worse bars. Back-handed compliment? Maybe.

6 Dogs • Off the Gas (Ft. Lil Skies) – Single • Interscope • Release: 4.20.18
Photo Credit: Interscope


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.