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BigMouth Inc. F-Bomb Mug!

This playlist features 35 profane songs that feature the f-bomb in their title.  All song selected were released in 2010 and beyond.

The prevalence of the word f*ck in music has only grown in recent times.  Music is more explicit than ever these days.  Sure, parents for years have been complaining about the “awful” music that their children listened to over the years, but now, legitimately, music is chocked full of salty language and rampant with innuendo.

Diving into the explicitness headfirst, what is more fun than constructing a playlist of songs that feature the f-bomb within their title? Amazingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, since 2010, there are many songs that give love to the f-bomb.  Even as profane as the damnable curse word is, it actually has various definitions, depending on the song.  Sigh.

1. Banks, “F*ck with Myself”


The Musical Hype reviewed Banks’ bold single from her forthcoming album.  Despite the brutally honest, masturbatory wordplay, Banks was actually making a statement about being a strong, respectable person without someone else bringing her down. Shock value never hurts.

2. YG ft. Nipsey Hussle, “FDT”

[Still Brazy, 2016]

The minute “FDT” (F*ck Donald Trump) dropped, it was buzzworthy.  Huffington Post suggests it “is America’s latest protest anthem.” Our take at The Musical Hype when reviewing Still Brazy was that “FDT” (for all its brashness) was one of the highlights from the album.

3. Flume, “Wall F*ck”

[Skin, 2016]

 Instrumental tracks can be explicit too – in song title…and spirit.  Flume’s “Wall F*ck” proves that, even though there is no profanity in the song – it’s instrumental, duh!  Check out our review of Flume’s sophomore album, Skin, here. 

4. Wheeler Walker, Jr., “F*ck You B*tch”

[Redneck Shit, 2016]

Rightfully so, Rolling Stone mag did a piece on Wheeler Walker Jr., entitled “…Inside Country’s Filthiest New Album.” The album is indeed “filthy,” as is highlight single, “F*ck You B*tch.” Previously reviewing the album personally, “F*ck You B*tch” is a lovely ballad, though clearly profane. 

5. Rob Zombie, “Well, Everybody’s F*cking in a U.F.O.”

[The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser, 2016]

Honestly, what more can be said of “Well, Everybody’s F*cking in a U.F.O.” than WTF? As expected, the song is perverted and twisted.

“Now every night this wolf / comes a peeping through, through filthy glory holes / he’s pounding on a rubber bat and a big old jelly roll / I said, ‘look to the skies I think I saw a spaceship ready to feast’ / but all they had was jizz on the walls / and bones of a mangled priest.”

How messed up is that?


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.