Reading Time: 4 min read

9. “The Zoo”

[Double Up, 2007]

“Girl I got you so wet / it’s like a rain forest / Like Jurassic Park / except I’m your sex-a-saurus baby.”

O…M…G! Other animals reference within this animalistic cut include monkeys, kangaroos, birds, bees, cheetahs – you get the picture. Sex, sex, sex…

10. “Skin”


“Skin” was only released as a single, but never on an album. It and “Hair Braider” arrived in 2008 and both represented risqué R. Kelly. At one point, Kelly tells his girl,

“Said I would be your toy / play with me like Lego / I’m your soldier boy / girl you’ll get no angel.”

Well, the last part of those lyrics about the “no angel” is 100% accurate.

11. “The Greatest Sex”

[, 2000]

It would seem that R. Kelly seems to remember every sex encounter that he has and then uses his memory of that to compose his next TMI song. “The Greatest Sex” looks tame now compared to Kelly’s more contemporary albums, but coitus is still the focus (“And all your secret fantasies thy will be done”).

12. “Bangin’ the Headboard”

[Untitled, 2009]

“I’m ‘bout to blow up in here like a hurricane.” Kelly, are you really that into it? Apparently, he is, as R. Kelly is putting so much energy into that he’s “banging the headboard.” Wouldn’t that cause a knot on one’s head?

Photo Credit: RCA

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

1 Comment

mistermaxxx08 · June 4, 2015 at 12:19 am

huge ARRUH fan and to me he is the most important musical artist over the past 25 years. he is like a modern day Ray Charles in that he can do it all musically if he wants. part Michael Jackson with his pop, save the world,steppin feel good music, church pop man with his Sam Cooke,Jackie WIlson, vibe, got the street feel of Curtis Mayfield,Stevie WOnder,Marvin Gaye,Bobby Womack, DOnny Hathaway,Barry White, meets Snoop DOgg, got a RIck James where I’m from boldness to his thing, the man got Ears for melody and hook downpat and can mimick anybody and anything and make it his own. his remixes are scary and the whole Trapped in the Closet is wild and showcases his humor. He is a very direct and yet intriquing musical figure IMO. he is to me the last Great R&B Aritst and nobody else has his catelog. yeah Beyonce is the bigger Black Pop Act, Usher had a bigger cross over career,mary gets to stay Mary and Mariah does her thing, however Kellz has his own lane and weren’t for his personal issues then his catelog IMO would rival anybody else’s. I mean you name it when it comes to R&B and this Man has tired and done it and regardless he has earned his stripes as a Artist overall.
the cat never had any real competition.

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