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10 Songs Where The Ten Commandments Were Broken“10 MORE Songs Where the Ten Commandments Were Broken” compiles songs where musicians broke one or more of the Ten Commandments.  Featured artists include Avenged Sevenfold, Mac Miller, and Machine Gun Kelly.

Popular music isn’t known for its morality.  Given that truism, it’s no surprise that musicians break the famous Ten Commandments ‘left and right.’ It seems, judging by the music that’s available that they simply didn’t read or adhere to Exodus 20: 3 – 17, the passage of The Bible that discusses the Ten Commandments. This playlist is NOT a preachy sermon in the least.  It’s simply a fun list of songs where artists broke a specific commandment or several commandments.  Artists featured on 10 MORE Songs Where the Ten Commandments Were Broken include Avenged Sevenfold, Mac Miller, and Machine Gun Kelly among others.

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3 You shall have no other gods before me.

(Exodus 20:3)

1. Machine Gun Kelly, “Golden God”

Bloom • Bad Boy / Interscope • 2017

Machine Gun Kelly, bloom © Bad Boy/Interscope“Golden God” is the sixth track on bloom, the third studio album by Machine Gun Kelly.  MGK has no shortage of confidence, let alone cockiness.  Machine Gun Kelly proclaims he’s a god:

“I’m a golden god, I’m a golden god

I’m on the roof of the party

Still almost famous, still all the way dangerous.”

Simply stated, he’s “kind of a big deal.” He still hasn’t achieved indisputable fame, but, at least in his eyes, ‘he’s got next.’ Biblically-speaking, the god thing is utter blasphemy.  And if he were a god, why wouldn’t he be “famous” as opposed to “almost famous?”   MGK is breaking several commandments. Interestingly, this wouldn’t be the first time ole boy’s broken a couple of commandments.  There’s also “Alpha Omega” from his 2015 album, General Admission (“Only fear two things with three letters dawg / That’s G-O-D, God and my fucking initials.”).

4You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God… 

(Exodus 20:4-5)

2. Avenged Sevenfold, “Creating God”

The Stage • Capitol • 2016

Avenged Sevenfold, The Stage © CapitolOn “Creating God” rock band Avenged Sevenfold aren’t focused on God himself.  That’s a problem considering God makes it clear in Exodus 20:4-5 that “…I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” He should be in this case. The band makes reference to the power of a god, but not the God.

“Standing in the shade of altruism, answering the call

Came a modern messiah to save us all

Something far beyond the work of fiction, Positronic brain

A world that’s void of all the anguish and suffering, pain…”

The central lyric of the record confirms this higher power:

“We’re creating god, master of our designs

We’re creating god, unsure of what we’ll find.”

This newly created messiah is something else.  Cleary, not in the vein of which Reba sings on “Back to God.”

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7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

(Exodus 20:7)

3. Mac Miller, “God Is Fair, Sexy Nasty”

Ft. Kendrick Lamar,

The Divine Feminine • Warner Bros. • 2016

Mac Miller, The Divine Feminine © Warner BrosOn the previous edition of 10 Songs Where the Ten Commandments Were BrokenDirty Heads did so with “God Damn Liar.” On the profanely-titled joint, the word god damn was uttered nine times between the pre-chorus and chorus. Mac Miller makes a couple of references to God on his 2016 album, The Divine Feminine including his own ‘god damn’ song, “Planet God Damn.” That song clearly breaks this commandment, but we opted for the more blasphemous “God Is Fair, Sexy, Nasty.” “God is Fair, Sexy, Nasty” concludes The Divine Feminine with a bang. Kendrick Lamar guests on the eight-minute juggernaut, which has nothing to do with God and all to do with sex.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God… 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.

(Exodus 20:8-11)


PARTYNEXTDOOR TWO • OVO / Warner Bros. • 2014

PARTYNEXTDOOR TWO © OVO/Warner Bros“Tryna get you wet like a Baptist.”Clearly for PARTYNEXTDOOR, sex – specifically with him – is truly the only option on his song, “Options” from PARTYNEXTDOOR TWO (2014).  The disloyal Baptist quote alone is troubling, particularly put in context:

“It’s like God knew what I liked

Damn right, I know what I like

Sex tape selfie you an actress

Tryna get you wet like a Baptist.”

This grinding record doesn’t change-up the messaging, as it’s chocked-full of sexually charged lyrics including “twerkin’ her ass for me,” and “…Ride that dick girl, ride it like a pony.” But where the holiness of the Sabbath day is dismantled is on the second verse: “Church Sunday mornin’ and then club until Monday.” Yeah, he went to church, but would Jesus really approve of the club, particularly the sketchy things PND is singing about, on Sunday, let alone any day of the week? WWJD.

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12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

(Exodus 20:12)

5. Sufjan Stevens, “Should Have Known Better”

Carrie & Lowell • Asthmatic Kitty • 2015

Sufjan Stevens, Carrie & Lowell © Asthmatic KittyDISCLAIMER: “Should Have Known Better” is a bit different than most of the songs on this commandment list.  Sufjan Stevens IS NOT guilty of breaking the commandment of “Honor your mother,” but notably, he was estranged from his mom and never had a notable relationship with her.  Upon her death, the singer/songwriter struggled with coping with her loss, something explored throughout the course of this standout from Carrie & Lowell.  Even though the responsibility of the estrangement was primarily at the hands of his mother, it’s clear that Stevens feels guilty and troubled about the whole situation.

“I should have known better

To see what I could see

My black shroud

Holding down my feelings

A pillar for my enemies

I should have wrote a letter

And grieve what I happen to grieve.”

13 “You shall not murder.

(Exodus 20:13)

6. alt-J, “In Cold Blood”

Relaxer • Atlantic • 2017

alt-J, Relaxer © AtlanticAlt-J outdo themselves on “In Cold Blood,” a standout from their 2017 album, Relaxer. “In Cold Blood” features a sharp, gritty sound palette. Furthermore, the record features the use of binary code, and more notably, clever word play.  An incredibly fun record, it’s also a deadly, murderous one, hence why it breaks the sixth commandment, “you shall not murder.” Essentially, a fun, summer pool party turns into a killer one:

“Lifeless back slaps the surface of the pool

Pool killer, killer pool, pool killer…

Pool, summer, summer, pool, pool, summer vibes killed

In cold blood.” 

The identity of the murderer is never reviewed, but the quirky, sometimes ridiculous lyrics do suggest there’s a pool killer. Alt-J themselves admit the lyrics aren’t “massively deep”.

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14 “You shall not commit adultery.

(Exodus 20:14)

7. Charlie Puth, “How Long”

Voicenotes • Artist Partner Group • 2018

Charlie Puth, Voicenotes © AtlanticBeginning in 2017, with the promotional campaign for his sophomore album, Voicenotes, Charlie Puth truly stepped up his game.  On “How Long”he shows how he’s expanded as an artist. The production moves beyond the safety of his oft-sanitized 2016 debut, Nine Track Mind.  “How Long” features funky, soulful production which thrives off its groove and complements the lightness and airy nature of Puth’s voice exceptionally well.  As angelic as all of that sounds, Puth has been creeping.

“I’ll admit, I was wrong, what else can I say, girl?

Can’t you blame my head and not my heart?

I was drunk, I was gone, that don’t make it right, but

Promise there were no feelings involved.”

Unfortunately, Charlie, bro, you broke the seventh commandment – “You shall not commit adultery.” Rightfully, his bae is pissed, and has been feeling the effects of his adulterous ways.

“How long has this been goin’ on?

You’ve been creepin’ ‘round on me

While you’re callin’ me, ‘baby’

How long has this been goin’ on?

You’ve been actin’ so shady

I’ve been feelin’ it lately, baby.”

15 “You shall not steal.

(Exodus 20:15)

8. Run the Jewels, “Lie, Cheat, Steal”

Run the Jewels 2 • Mass Appeal • 2014

Run the Jewels, Run the Jewels 2 © Mass Appeal“Lie, cheat, steal, kill, win, win.” Run the Jewels are willing to do whatever on “Lie, Cheat, Steal” from their second album, Run the Jewels 2.  Obviously, the title alone breaks numerous commandments – take your pick.  Killer Mike does have a fair point on the hook when he asserts, “everybody’s doin’ it.” El-P speaks on the hardships of life, when justifying the actions: “Cause death by electrocution’s like life in New York, isn’t it?” On his verse, Killer Mike asserts:

“You might have to pull your AK, send one to the cemetery

We over worked, underpaid, and we underprivileged.”

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16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

(Exodus 20:16)

9. Adam Lambert, “Rumors”

Ft. Tove Lo

The Original High • Warner Bros. • 2015

Adam Lambert, The Original High © Warner Bros.Sometimes rumors are true while at other times, they’re false as a four-letter word.  Sometimes, rumors are spread just to create controversy or satisfaction for the person that’s bore false witnessed against his or her neighbor.  That’s sort of what happens in the Adam Lambert song “Rumors” featuring Swedish pop singer Tove Lo.  A song about relationships, rumors are flying left and right, but ultimately why should a loving, dedicated couple care, particularly if they’re not true?

“Why do we care about the rumors, baby?

Yeah, why do we care about the rumors, baby?

Oh, ‘cause I don’t need to lie to you

You’ll never break my heart

Yeah, you’ll find the truth here in my arms

So, can you tell me why do we care about the rumors, baby?”

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

(Exodus 20:17)

10. Gucci Mane, “Robbed”

Everybody Looking • Atlantic • 2016

Gucci Mane, Everybody Looking © AtlanticGucci Mane made a superb comeback with his album Everybody Looking in 2016.  The album was his first since being incarcerated. On “Robbed,”the rapper provides an education on getting robbed as well as being the robbing. Obviously, this goes firmly against the tenth and final commandment, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.” What more is there to say?


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.